Extend the Life of Your Roof with Korellis Roofing

Extend the Life of Your Roof with Korellis Roofing

Entrepreneurs spend hour after hour planning out their business’s location, envisioning the ideal building, and of course, keeping operations running smoothly. Korellis Roofing are industry veterans and often take part in that process through their quality roofing services, but too often see local businesses forget something important until it’s too late – preventative maintenance.

Korellis Roofing offers a preventative maintenance program designed to extend the life of a roof and prevent expensive roofing emergencies. Insurance and warranties are not permanent solutions, and Korellis’ preventative maintenance extends the lifespan of a roof long past its warranty periods and ensures that costs stay low.

Participation in the Korellis preventative maintenance program typically means two inspections a year, one in fall and another in spring. With fall right around the corner and the harsh Region winter not far behind, there is no better time to make sure your business’ roofing system is prepared. The experts at Korellis remove debris, ensure sealants and flashings are secure, repair minor deficiencies, and inspect for cracks, tears, and more.

korellis-maintenance-02Roofs are much more complicated than they appear at first glance, a huge number of parts and materials come together and the untrained eye can miss subtle points of failure that could turn into huge issues down the line. Korellis tracks and schedules all inspections for their customers, granting business owners security and peace of mind.

After every inspection they provide a work summary report, color photos, and detailed checklist to help the layman understand the repairs and know what they can do to keep their roof healthy. One aspect of roofing often forgotten is how complex the rules and regulations guiding warranties are. Most systems have different requirements, and without proper care their warranty might be voided. Korellis meets, and usually exceeds, the requirements of all major roofing manufacturers which can sometimes lead to extended warranties.

korellis-maintenance-03As a comprehensive service provider, Korellis stays with a business from beginning to end. Their team of sheet metal workers, masons, and carpenters allow them to make recommendations and provide pricing for any issues they find during an inspection, eliminating the need to call another contractor.

The key to a long-lasting and low-cost roof is preventative maintenance. Stay proactive, not reactive. Visit Korellis Roofing at korellis.com, or call at 219-844-1400 to set up bi-annual inspections and ensure your business is prepared for another long winter.