Brummitt Hosts 'Take Your Parents to Related Arts' Week
Brummitt Elementary recently hosted Take Your Parents to Related Arts during the school day. Each grade had a date and time frame to visit their child’s related arts classes. This event is part of a national movement, Active Schools, to help schools provide at least 60 minutes a day of physical education (PE) and before, during a after school for physical activity for all students. This movement was taken to another level by hosting classroom events in art, music and PE classes that week. Brummitt used this event to introduce the school’s art, music and PE programs and teachers to parents so they will engage in similar activities with their children throughout the year; and to encourage families to play together and be creative at home and in the community.
Giving a Helping Hand
As part of their community helpers unit, Brummitt Kindergarten students participated in various skill-based activities centered around the various jobs that people do. Superintendent Dr. Ginger Bolinger and Assistant Superintendent Jim Goetz were invited as some of our schools' very own community helpers to participate in each teacher's small group rotations during this unit. Top photo, Dr. Bolinger helps students, Loralei Parker, left and Leah Shreve, right with a firefighter visual transfer activity where they cut out the pieces and try to glue it together to match the example. Bottom photo, Mr. Goetz assists students, left to right, William Horn and Aliyah Chamnik as they form words out of play-doh and record them.
Jackson 5K Color Fun Run
Jackson Elementary Art Teacher Sue Calkusic, Jackson Art sprays a Jackson third grader Gwenyth Rettig with colorful paint while participating in the 5K Color Fun Run this past Saturday in the school parking lot. The PTO sponsored the event to raise funds for special projects and programs at Jackson. These fundraising events help to support field trips, author visits, assemblies and classroom projects and much more. Each participant received a T-shirt, neon bracelet and other special prizes.
Jackson Elementary students run toward the finish line in the 5K Color Fun Run hosted this past Saturday. Each student was sprayed with a colorful paint when they finshed the race. The PTO sponsored the event to raise funds for special projects and programs at Jackson. These fundraising events help to support field trips, author visits, assemblies and classroom projects and much more. Each participant received a T-shirt, neon bracelet and other special prizes.
New Student Council
Liberty Intermediate School announced its new 2017-2018 Student Council members, front, left to right, Lilly Figolah, Faith Balda, Charlee Mackeigan, Isabelle Connors, Kyndal Haynes, Ruth Peschke and Cori Schultz. Back row, Lexi Allen, Katelynn Ashbury, Adrian Dooley, Bella Kelly, Eva Lemley, Sophia Persin,Marley Mayer, Kemorah Powells and Autumn Spencer.