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Duneland Schools Update, December 8, 2017

Duneland Schools Update, December 8, 2017

Active teacher grant recipients
Chesterton Middle School teachers, front, left to right, Mary Gish, Carla Sissell and Toni Biancardi were awarded a robotics grant from the Indiana Retired Teachers Association Area 1 for their proposal - Pedal Power. The grant entails taking a street bike and turning it into a stationary bike to charge a battery with kinetic energy. They grant application allowed for CMS to have three bike stations around the school. Also pictured is Principal Mike Megyesi, Superintendent Dr. Ginger Bolinger and Dr. Dan Keilman, grant presenter on behalf of the Indiana Retired Teacher Association.

Duneland-Schools-Update-12-08-17_02 Teacher honored
Westchester Intermediate math teacher Candi Kautz, center, was honored on Monday evening's Duneland School Board meeting by student teacher Sarah Gawel, left. Sarah nominated Candi with the Association of Teacher Educators 'Outstanding Cooperating Teacher' award. Also pictured at right is Julie Feikes, director of Field Experiences and Student Teaching at Purdue Northwest-Westville Campus.

Duneland-Schools-Update-12-08-17_03 CMS Chess Team Places
The Chesterton Middle School Chess Club placed second in the middle school division of the Chess Invitational hosted by Morton High School in Hammond this past Saturday, Dec. 2. Seventh grader Jonathan McClure placed second and eighth grader Noah Fletcher placed ninth in a field of 63. The team also placed second in the middle school division. The next tournament is the State qualifier on January 6. Team members are, left to right, Aaron Koch, Jonathan McClure, Noah Fletcher, Ethan Adams, Tyler McCarthy, Ian Condes, Conor Casteel and Drake Russell.