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Duneland School Corporation Update, November 4, 2016

Duneland-Schools-Update-11-04-16_01Outdoor Classroom Project
Chesterton High School Building Trades students, left to right, Eric Allison, Brian Hathaway and Jimmy Hovey measure and plot the area where students will build a new outdoor classroom for students at Bailly Elementary School under the direction of new Building Trades Teacher Tom Garzella, not pictured. The outdoor classroom will allow Bailly students to have a lesson outside if necessary with access to nature. CHS students will start the new project within the next two weeks.

Duneland-Schools-Update-11-04-16_02LIS Veterans Program
Liberty Intermediate School in Chesterton hosted its annual Veterans Day program to honor all Veterans this week featuring guest speaker First Sgt. Greg Zieba, pictured, who spoke about the importance of education and his involvement is building schools for girls in Fallujah in 2004. The LIS Band, Orchestra, and Choir performed patriotic songs; and Veterans Day essays were read from selected fifth and sixth grade students. Also pictured is sixth grade student Chris Suitor reading his essay. The LIS program is organized by Teacher Natalie Loden.

Duneland-Schools-Update-11-04-16_03Lions Give Dictionaries to Duneland Third Graders
The local Chesterton Lions club members have been visiting the Duneland Schools to present the Webster Dictionary for Students to all third graders. This Gift of Knowledge from the Lions Club is designed to aid third grade teachers in their goal to create confident writers, active readers and creative thinkers. Pictured giving Chester the Lion a high five and receiving his personal dictionary as Lions member Bill Ellis looks on is Liberty Elementary student Collin Gallagher. For more information about the Lions Club Dictionary Project visit www.dictionaryproject.org.

Duneland-Schools-Update-11-04-16_04Bottle Lids for Duneland YMCA
Lindsay Trout's second grade class at Liberty Elementary School is collecting bottle lids for the Duneland YMCA as a project to give back to the community. The lids will be recycled and turned into a park bench. Pictured with their collection of lids so far are, front row, left to right, Olivia Milton, Wyatt Lambersie, Clayton Maynard, Emma Dobson, Kendra Arvidson, Emmori Schott and Anna Holmes. Back row, Hailey Morrison, Caprie Wilson, Amelia Jimenez, Teacher Lindsay Trout, Brooke Russell, Evan Cherep, Ryan Nix and Ethan Gonzalez. Absent from the photo is Crosby Moore and Tyler Dhaemers.

Duneland-Schools-Update-11-04-16_05Former Principals Attend 50th at Westchester
Attending the celebration last week in honor of the opening of Westchester School 50 years ago were former Westchester Middle School Principals, left to right, James Ton, Dr. Don Deller, Terry Levenda and current Principal of Westchester Intermediate Shawn Longacre. Unable to attend the event were former principals Tim McGinty, Kim Sigler and Allan Eggers. The school hosted a public program for students, staff, former administrators and teachers with music, photos and reminiscing moments shared by the former principals.

Duneland-Schools-Update-11-04-16_06Ford Donation Benefits CHS Students
The Ford Motor Company through Lakeshore Ford of Burns Harbor made a donation for $3,860.00 to the Chesterton High School Band Boosters after their “Drive One 4 UR School” event this past August. Shown above, left to right, CHS Asst. Principals Judy Malasto and Rob Blumenthal; CHS Director of Bands Michael Scheiber; Don Hadley, Dealer Operations Manager for Lake Shore Ford; Principal Jeff Van Drie; and Asst. Principal Brent Martinson. Absent from photo is Asst. Principal Josh Huwig.

Duneland-Schools-Update-11-04-16_07Learning about the American Revolution
Chesterton Middle School eighth grade students are studying the American Revolution and reading the novel, My Brother Sam is Dead. As part of this unit, Revolutionary re-enactors from the Northwest Territory Alliance group came to share information with the students about the Revolutionary War. Pictured in their period costumes are, left to right, Rick Henson, Zachary Spires and Sally Henson.