Odds are that as you're reading this I'm stumbling down a crowded street in search of a 30-something-year-old man dressed like a dumpling and wearing a giant chef’s hat.
And I'm doing it for work.
Ever since I moved here I've always noted how I believe what makes Northwest Indiana “The Region” to others is that it’s just hard to describe to anyone who doesn't live here. Every town here has a unique identity, and every town here is proud of that uniqueness and celebrates it accordingly.
It's hard to describe to my parents why I'll be spending an entire day in Whiting chasing after people dressed as Pierogis or how I need to get that shot of 10 people pushing lawn mowers down a street. Or why last week I spent hours in the rain looking for that one magic 10 second video of Ludacris.
Next month, I'll be in Hobart celebrating a lake that has become the cornerstone of a community that is experiencing a renaissance in its culture and community events thanks to some innovative new ideas.
And eventually, I'll spend the day at a festival devoted entirely to popcorn; so it goes.
People have always told me I am a little weird, and I guess I've always seen that as a badge of honor rather than a putdown. I'm just glad I've found a region that feels the same way.
Without further ado, let's get weird this weekend.
Deep Cuts, out.