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Crown Point Social Studies Teacher Named American Legion Educator of Year

cp-don-bernackyCrown Point High School Social Studies teacher, Don Bernacky, was nominated as the District 1 and Indiana High School Educator of the Year at The American Legion, Department of Indiana 96th Annual State Convention, in Indianapolis this past July.

The Indiana American Legion has 11 districts and each one takes nominations from members for Educator of the Year. After being nominated, educators are asked to write about their educational experience, philosophy, and achievements. The information includes classes that they’ve built and taught clubs and athletics that they’ve sponsored coached and other personal achievements. Local and statewide reviewers judge the nominees and the winners are announced at the State Convention.

Mr. Bernacky won both the District 1 and Indiana State High School Educator of the Year. After receiving the award Mr. Bernacky said “it is a humbling honor to be recognized by those who have served us all by their sacrifice.”

Crown Point High School takes pride in the excellent teaching and care our educators like Mr. Bernacky demonstrate.