Home»Community»Government»Crown Point Introduces New Format for Mayor’s Monthly Forum

Crown Point Introduces New Format for Mayor’s Monthly Forum

Crown Point Introduces New Format for Mayor’s Monthly Forum

In 2023, the City of Crown Point is changing the format of its monthly  forum with Mayor Pete Land. 

The monthly forum, formerly known as Tuesday Talks, will now be known as Mondays with  the Mayor. Mondays with the Mayor will be hosted at various times and locations around  the City on the third Monday of the month. 

“I look forward to reconnecting with our residents in 2023,” Crown Point Mayor Pete Land  said. “The first week of the month is often a busy time for our community. We hope the  new format allows more residents and visitors to join us for Crown Point trivia and  updates.” 

The City will continue to live stream the forum on its Facebook page, @CityofCrownPointIN.  

The first Mondays with the Mayor will be at 11 a.m. Monday, Feb. 20, at American Legion  Post 20, located at 1401 N. Main St. Residents are encouraged to join Mayor Land and city  staff for trivia and updates on all things Crown Point.  

For a schedule of this year’s forum, please visit https://www.crownpoint.in.gov/401/Mondays-with-the-Mayor