Crown Point Honors Those Who Serve on Veterans Day


Photos from the Veterans Day Ceremony in Crown Point can be seen here.

The Crown Point Courthouse in the Square was filled with military servicemen and women, their families, and friends on Tuesday morning. There was a special ceremony held on that day to pay homage to those who have served and currently serve our country.

People crowded in, Marine stood by Airman, Korean vet stood by WWII vet, and husband stood by wife. All were there for one purpose: to honor the brave souls that protect our home.

The ceremony began with a welcome from James Forsythe, a WWII and Korean vet who served in the Army and Navy.

"There are so many people that gave up their lives for our country, they are the real veterans," Forsythe said. "It's so important that we honor them."

The Crown Point American Legion Auxiliary Unit 20 then presented the flags. As the flags passed, many showed respect with staunch salutes. Following this, Dave Dickerson, Commander of the Sons of the Legion Squad #20 recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Hats were removed and hands placed over hearts as everyone spoke in unison.

Hands didn't leave hearts as the "Star Spangled Banner" was sung by Lori Stuhlmacher. It was a moving tune that was made more evident by the voice that vocalized it.

"It's an honor to address all you veterans and all that you have given to our country,"Robert Clemons, Councilman for the City of Crown Point said. "November 11 was set aside as the day to commemorate the end of hostilities in 1945 and observed as a legal holiday. Since the inception of our country, veterans have led the way to freedom. No greater sacrifice can be made than to lay down one's life...there will always be love in America's heart for her veterans."

Gerry Scheub, Lake County Commissioner, gave the address at the ceremony.

"To all of our veterans: we can't thank you enough for what you do for us," Scheub said. "To the veterans and young men and women who never returned home, to the prisoners of war, to the missing in action, we can never forget them. We enjoy the most freedom in the world...and that is because of the sacrifices made by our men and women in service."

The ceremony finished with the Benediction by Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Reverend David Kipp, a Salute to the Dead by the VFW Color Guard who stood in the rain in full uniform to honor their fallen comrades, and "Taps" was performed by Bob Bowie, North Vice Commander of the Sons of the Legion. He stood on the balcony above everyone and played the solemn salute that is familiar to many.

Thank you to veterans, active military members, and all else who serve our country. We cannot and will not ever forget your sacrifices for our freedom.