Crown Point Community School Corporation won College Board’s SAT® Practice Challenge to districts by having 46-percent of their PSAT/NMSQT®-taking students connect their College Board and Khan Academy accounts to receive a free, personalized SAT practice plan. Of the hundreds of districts eligible for the challenge, Crown Point placed first with 597 out of 1293 students who linked their accounts. Public libraries in the district will receive 10 laptop computers, donated by College Board.
“We are thrilled that so many of our students are putting their PSAT/NMSQT scores to work and will now have further access to free, world-class SAT prep,” said Dr. Teresa Eineman, district superintendent. “These students took an important first step toward preparing for the SAT and college, and, as a bonus, helped their local libraries win 10 new computers.”
On January 18, the College Board challenged districts to get their students to link their College Board and Khan Academy accounts in order to receive personalized practice recommendations that will make it easier for them to show their best work on the SAT and get ready for college. With encouragement from their counselors, 20,000 students nationwide participated in the challenge. The winning districts were identified based on the percentage of 2016 PSAT/NMSQT test takers who connected their College Board and Khan Academy accounts.
“Congratulations to the winners of the SAT Practice Challenge,” said Aaron Lemon-Strauss, College Board’s executive director of SAT Student Success. “We are thrilled by the number of students that linked their accounts and the millions more who are using Official SAT Practice. By making the most of free, personalized SAT practice, these students will be able to build their skills, shine on test day, and show colleges their best work.”
The College Board and Khan Academy, a leader in online education, developed the interactive practice tools to help all students, regardless of income level or background, prepare for the new SAT and college-level courses. Official SAT® Practice supports and reinforces what students are learning in the classroom by helping them focus on the knowledge and skills essential for college readiness. These are the only SAT practice tools built by the makers of the test, along with the online learning expertise of Khan Academy. Students can sign up for free at
**For additional information contact Johanna Hess at