Home»Community»Serving»Crown Point Community Foundation Awards June 2015 Community Grants

Crown Point Community Foundation Awards June 2015 Community Grants

CP-Comm-Found-5The Crown Point Community Foundation awards $70,327.70 for community grants in June grant cycle! The following are the grantees:

American Cancer Society/Relay for Life help offset the planning costs associated with the Relay for Life event. $3,000

American Legion Post 20 Baseball help support youth baseball, along with CP Babe Ruth for 16-18 yr old boys. $1,000

Boy Scout Troop 101 enhance and expand the capabilities to provide a quality program for the youth in the community. $1,000

Campagna Academy, Inc. expand Campagna's residential program for youth with intellectual/developmental disabilities. $3,696

Cedar Lake Historical Assoc. digitize the archival collection at Lake of the Red Cedars Museum and establish a storytellers videotaping program to preserve the history of Cedar Lake for future generations of residents and visitors. $2,400.45

Cedar Lake Police Dept. purchase 2 thermal imaging cameras for police cars. $3,936.25

CP 4th of July Celebration Committee help fund the 4th of July parade and fireworks $5,000

CPCSC/Dept of Exceptional Learners create a Brainstorm Center and lending library to support assistive technology for students with disabilities. $3,150

Cub Scout Pack #48 provide support for programs of the Cub Scout Pack. $1,500

Deaf Services at Tradewinds underwrite program expenses and fund capital expenditures so Dear Serv. can operate more efficiently, improve programs and serve more people with hearing impairment. $1,250

Dunes Dog Training Club, Inc. help U.S. Military veterans with PTSD obtain better lives through training dogs $4,000

Hanover Jr. Wildcats Football help provide proper and safe equipment and help increase the profits of the fundraising efforts. $2,127

Harmony Handbells refurbish two sets of handbells. $800

Hoosiers Feeding the Hungry assist paying a processing fee on donated livestock and game that is processed and packaged by participating butcher shops for hunger relief agencies supporting South Lake County. $750

Lake County Fairgrounds purchase pet waste disposal bags. $1,250

Lake Court House Foundation help fund 3 projects, Dinner Theatre, Gospel Fest and Patriot Brunch. $3,088

Make a Wish Ohio, Kentucky & Indiana support wish granting in the Northern IN community for children battling life-threatening illness. $2,500

Meals on Wheels of NWI provide meals to clients in South Lake Co. and complete funding for a planned giving consultant to help grow an endowment fund $5,000

NWI Symphony Society, Inc. provide support of the Symphony's series of 3 classical concerts at Bethel Church. $7,500

Rebuilding Together of South Lake County assist low and moderate income homeowners with emphasis given to the elderly and persons with disabilities to maintain their homes and property $1,500

Southlake Children's Choir provide scholarships and cover operating costs $3,000

St. Matthias Catholic Church assist building a butterfly garden $880

The Arc NWI purchase an AED and First Aid Kit for the South Lake Center and help fund a new box truck $5,900

Trinity Lutheran Church and School assist lodging 100+ participants from Mon-Sun at Camp LRCA retreat center $4,000

Winfield/Jerry Ross Elementary PTO Purchase materials to build 2 Gaga Pits for Jerry Ross and Winfield Elementary School $1,500

Supplies for July 4th parade assist with sponsoring parade and purchase flags to hand out and water for volunteers $600

The Crown Point Community Foundation reviews grants three times throughout the year. These unrestricted grants are made possible because of the generosity of our donors. Unrestricted Endowment Funds allow the Foundation’s Board of Directors the flexibility of distributing grants to community projects, programs and to emergencies in the service area. The Grant Committee reviews the applications for projects that fit the mission and vision of the Crown Point Community Foundation; that is, to enhance the quality of life in Crown Point and South Lake County. The Committee makes recommendations to the Board of Directors who then approves the grants for funding. The next grant cycle is September 1, 2015. For a grant application packet, please contact the Foundation at 219-662-7252. You can also visit our website, www.thecpcf.org to download an application or stop by our office at 115 S. Court St., Crown Point, IN 46307