Home»Other»Crown Point Community Foundation 2017 Grant Application Packets Now Available

Crown Point Community Foundation 2017 Grant Application Packets Now Available

Crown-Point-Community-Foundation-2017Grant application packets are currently available from the Crown Point Community Foundation. The packet contains an application form and guidelines for proposal evaluation. The application deadline date is Sept. 1, 2017.

Grants from the Crown Point Community Foundation, Inc. Endowment Fund will be made to organizations and community projects which impact the south Lake County area.

Fields of interest, which will be considered for funding include: education, health and human services, civic affairs, preservation, conservation, arts and culture. “The Crown Point Community Foundation is interested in funding projects that will improve the quality of life for citizens in the south Lake County area”, according to Mary Nielsen, President of the Foundation.

Organizations eligible for funding may request a Grant Application Packet from the Crown Point Community Foundation by calling 219-662-7252 or downloading from our website, www.thecpcf.org/grants/grant application.

The Crown Point Community Foundation (CPCF) awards grants from the unrestricted funds held in the CPCF Endowment Fund three times a year. The three application cycles are February 1st, June 1st and September 1st. Applications received after the deadline will be held for consideration during the following cycle. Only one grant application per organization or agency will be eligible within a 12-month period. The CPCF Grant Committee reviews all applications. For more information about the CPCF and to download a grant application visit the Foundation website, www.thecpcf.org.