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Crossroads Chamber and NWI Forum host Indiana Chamber Luncheon at Purdue University Northwest

Crossroads Chamber and NWI Forum host Indiana Chamber Luncheon at Purdue University Northwest

On the sunny morning of April 25, Crossroads Chamber, Northwest Indiana’s regional chamber of commerce, and the Northwest Indiana (NWI) Forum, a Region-based nonprofit economic development organization, hosted the Indiana Chamber Luncheon at The Great Hall Events and Conference Center at Purdue University Northwest's Westville campus. Representatives from a wide array of businesses, organizations, and politicians’ offices came from all across the Region to attend the event. Salad along with a wide selection of main course options were served.

Crossroads Chamber NWI Forum 2024

Crossroads Chamber NWI Forum 2024 50 Photos
Crossroads Chamber NWI Forum 2024Crossroads Chamber NWI Forum 2024Crossroads Chamber NWI Forum 2024Crossroads Chamber NWI Forum 2024

John Jordan, the Crossroads Chamber of Commerce’s chairman of the board and the president and owner of CertaPro Painters, provided some insight into the day’s event.

“This kind of collaborative event between the Crossroads Chamber and the NWI Forum is unprecedented,” Jordan said. “We want to bring different people from different communities together at today’s luncheon. These events give you the opportunity to connect with other decision-makers and attract various out-of-state businesses and organizations to Indiana. It’s great to hear that these entities are coming to our area and we look forward to engaging with them and building new relationships with them.”

Vanessa Green Sinders, president and CEO of the Indiana Chamber of Commerce, came from Indianapolis to be the event’s featured speaker. She addressed the assembled guests, listing some of the initiatives and policies that the Indiana Chamber of Commerce plans to implement in the coming years.  

After giving her presentation, Green Sinders sat down with Heather Ennis, the president and CEO of the NWI Forum, for a “fireside chat.” The pair discussed a range of topics, including Green Sinders’ background and the experiences she has had during her first half-year as president and CEO of the Indiana Chamber. The pair also discussed what it has been like for them to be the first women to hold their respective positions. Green Sinders and Ennis engaged in a brief Q&A session with the attendees, giving them the opportunity to discuss some of the Northwest Indiana business-related topics that they would like state leaders in Indianapolis to be made aware of.

Jordan explained why he considers Green Sinders’ presence at the Chamber Luncheon to be a sign of positive things to come for the Region’s businesses.

“Every business community wants to have their voice heard,” Jordan said “It’s great that we have access to someone like Vanessa Green Sinders from the state chamber. It’s awesome to have direct access to someone who is willing to come into your community and ask questions to learn more about what businesses and organizations in the area need. We really appreciate her for offering up her time and availability to learn about how things work here in Northwest Indiana.”

Ennis offered her own comments on the benefits of the Indiana Chamber Luncheon.

“I love meeting new people at events like this, it’s a lot of fun,” Ennis said. “There's so many great things happening in the Region and events like this let me talk about my experiences and perspectives and listen to other people’s as well. It’s imperative that we continue to strengthen the relationships between local chambers through events like this. If we are to effect significant change, it is of critical importance that our organizations stay engaged at the grassroots level. All of the organizations, from the ‘main street’ level all the way up to the State Chamber level, must work in concert to make things happen more efficiently.”

The Chamber Luncheon concluded with a raffle in which four baskets filled with gifts donated by various local chambers of commerce were given away. The lucky winners received prizes such as snacks, alcoholic beverages, and candy from the Albanese Candy Factory. After the baskets were distributed, Ennis took the podium once again to thank the attendees as well as the event sponsors. Several individuals stayed after the event to chat amicably amongst themselves before leaving for their offices and homes.

To learn more information about Crossroads Chamber, please visit www.crossroadschamber.org. You can learn more information about NWI Forum at www.nwiforum.org.