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CPHS Business Professionals of America to Compete at State Leadership Conference

CPHS-BPA-SLC-2017The Business Professionals of America chapter at Crown Point High School has proven themselves again. March 10-12th, the CPHS B.P.A. chapter will compete in Indianapolis at the State Leadership Conference. Approximately 1,600 students and teachers from all over the state of Indiana converge on the Marriott Hotel where students will compete in approximately 50 different business events.

“Students who compete in B.P.A. do so because of their love for business. Our students are enrolled in rigorous business courses and take it upon themselves to also engage in this academic club where they are expected to perform at top levels to compete with students in business events from all across the state. BPA is the perfect competitive arena to prepare students for the business world,” stated Advisor, Mary Bachnak. “Colleges look to see that high school business students actively differentiate themselves by preparing for their futures now, and B.P.A. is the perfect method to accomplish it.”

This year, the following students will be attending the state leadership conference: Luke Billeck, Hannah Carter, Lauren Costello, Blake Counts, Rachel Cuza, Andy Demo, Megan Drenth, Evan Georgas, Allison Herkey, Mitchell Holderby, Drew Holok, Bobby Karamacoski, Tatiana Maa, Ken Michaels, Grace Olah, Alycia Pappenheim, Nick Phillips, Billy Pouch, Jacob Quasney, Tristan Runick, Nicole Sapper, Nathan Sherman, Katelyn Spurlock, Trina Vargo, Tyler Visak, Alexia Wojciechowski, and Matt Wyand.

*For information Contact Mary Bachnak by emailing her at mbachnak@cps.k12.in.us or calling 219-663-4885 ext. 11231.