As the job market continues to fluctuate, scammers continue to find new ways to spice up old tricks. A new scam has surfaced tricking job hunters into believing they have an interview offer from a recruiter. This scam can take many different forms.
This scam starts when a job seeker receives a message from a seemingly legitimate recruiter. The message might come through email, text, or even a social media platform like LinkedIn. At first, this “recruiter” seems professional; they claim to have seen the jobseeker’s resume on a search site and request to schedule an interview. But first, they require the victim to download a messaging app to continue the interview process.
Once the jobseeker downloads the app, the “recruiter” sends messages with interview question prompts. The “interview” ends with the “recruiter” offering the jobseeker a position on the spot.
While all of this may feel official – or even safe since no personal information was exchanged – that’s just where the scam begins. The scammer then sends an official-looking contract to sign and return. Once the contract has been signed, the scammer will begin asking for personal information like name, address, date of birth, and banking information for direct deposit. Providing this sensitive information to scammers could easily lead to identity theft.
Some scammers may even offer to help with home office set-up costs by sending a check to buy a laptop and other supplies. After depositing the check, the scammer will say that they overpaid, and request a portion of the funds back. However, the check is fraudulent and the victim is on the hook for any bank reversal fees.
Use BBB’s tips to avoid this scam:
• Research job offers first. Visit a company’s website and look up their contact information. Verify the company exists and the job posting is real before you interact with a stranger. Do an internet search with the company’s name and the word “scam” to see if anyone has reported a fake job offer.
• Beware of jobs that involve receiving and returning money. Legitimate companies don’t generally send money to new employees before work is done. They certainly don’t ask you to return funds that you’ve already been paid.
• Be careful with your personal information. Never provide anyone with your personal information until you are sure you can trust them with it. Do all the necessary research before divulging anything personal. Never let someone pressure you into giving up your personal information because it’s a “now or never” offer.
• Watch out for easy hires. If a company claims they want to hire you without meeting you either virtually or in-person, and if they don’t conduct a job interview, you’re probably dealing with a scammer. Be wary of signing contracts without meeting the representative in person.
If you spot a scam, whether you have lost money or not, report it to BBB’s Scam Tracker at and the FTC at Your story can help other consumers avoid similar scams.