Several healthcare providers and services affiliated with Community Healthcare System have moved to renovated office space at Community Diagnostic Center, 10020 Donald S. Powers Drive, Munster.
The following providers and services are new to the location:
- Cardiologist Navdeep Bhatti, MD
- Genetics Counselor Courtney Schuiteman
- OB/GYN Aruna Uppuluri, MD
- OB/GYN Stephanie Evanson, MD
- Oncology Rehabilitation
- Pelvic Health
The diagnostic center also offers imaging and laboratory services.

Other offices in the building were renovated, including the Community Healthcare System Women’s Diagnostic Center. The center consistently is recognized as Northwest Indiana’s leading provider for delivering same-day mammography results.
Community Healthcare System offers some of the most advanced diagnostic technology and services, such as 3D digital mammography, and has earned national accreditations for breast imaging, mammography, stereotactic breast biopsy, breast ultrasound and ultrasound-guided breast biopsy. The program is supported by fellowship-trained, dedicated breast radiologists.

For information about services offered through Community Healthcare System, visit COMHS.org/services.