Home»Other»City Shares Q & A Tip Sheet for Trash Hauling as Republic Prepares for Transition

City Shares Q & A Tip Sheet for Trash Hauling as Republic Prepares for Transition

city of gary sealIn preparation for the transition of trash hauling management, City of Gary officials released a brief Q&A information sheet to help inform residents of the change.

1. Why has the Gary Sanitary District opted to make changes to trash hauling services provided to the citizens of Gary?
On September 15, 2014, the Gary Sanitary District Board of Commissioners made a decision to make changes to the trash hauling services being provided to the citizens of Gary. This decision was made in an effort to provide the citizens of Gary with a greater opportunity to receive a higher level of service. Ultimately, the Gary Sanitary District and Waste Management reached a mutual agreement to part ways.

2. When will services from Waste Management end?
Waste Management’s last day of collection in Gary will be October 30, 2014. The company will retrieve all of its trash containers from the point of service during the final week of service. Cart removal will begin immediately on October 24 through October 30 after the resident’s regular service day during this week. As part of the transition, the free residential drop-off at Waste Management’s transfer station will end on October 30. After October 30, residents will still be able to drop off their trash at the company’s transfer station, but normal rates will apply.

Additionally, Gary residents may continue to utilize the citizen drop off site located at 7015 West 5th Avenue free of charge. The hours of operation are Monday through Friday 7:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. and Saturday 7:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.

3. Who will take over trash hauling services for the City of Gary?
Republic Services will provide trash hauling services to the City of Gary beginning October 31 and will continue through December 31, 2014. Republic submitted the sole proposal to pick up trash for the same price that the City was paying Waste Management.

The agreement requires that trash carts be delivered by October 30 so that there would be no lapse in service. Republic has assured the City of their ability to meet that deadline. The agreement also requires Republic to hire Gary residents to work on the trucks.

The only noticeable change citizens may experience regarding the process of providing trash hauling services is the day that your trash pick-up occurs. If this is the case, residents will be notified by mail as well as through the media. The emergency contract with Republic Services is temporary. By law, the Gary Sanitary District is required to issue a new Request for Proposal (FRP) which will be issued within the next 30 days for services to start on January 1, 2015 with a newly established contract.

4. If I have more questions, who should I contact?
Gary residents may call the Gary Sanitary District at (219) 944-1211 ext. 1910 with questions or Republic Services customer service division at (800) 828-2253. A community forum will scheduled within the next two weeks so that residents can ask questions and meet representatives from Republic Services.