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City of Hammond Public Presentation with Jeff Speck and Associates: Transforming Downtown Hammond

City of Hammond Public Presentation with Jeff Speck and Associates: Transforming Downtown Hammond

Hammond, May 24, 2019 - Mayor Thomas M. McDermott, Jr. and the City Department of Planning and Development Department invite you to a public presentation by best-selling author, city planner and urban designer Jeff Speck, along with urban design leader David Dixon, on Tuesday, May 28th at the Hammond Academy of Science and Technology gymnasium (door M) 33 Muenich Court, starting at 6pm.

Mayor McDermott and the City of Hammond are excited to begin working with Jeff Speck and Associates on transforming downtown. The potential for positive change in Hammond’s core is strong right now, especially with the upcoming South Shore West Lake Corridor Extension Project. “This new transportation component in downtown adds strength to this area, which has struggled for years. Having people looking to live downtown and make it their home is a game-changer for Hammond and the Region. We are thinking big and are already getting interest from developers,” said Mayor McDermott.

For more information please contact Anne Anderson, Director of Economic Development, at 219-853-6508 x-1 or andersona@gohammond.com.