Home»Other»City of Gary Announces 2014 Independence Day Parade Winners

City of Gary Announces 2014 Independence Day Parade Winners

2014-Gary-Independence-Day-Parade-WinnersMayor Karen Freeman-Wilson hosted a brief meet and greet at City Hall to announce the City of Gary’s 2014 Independence Day Parade winners.

The Parade winners are as follows:

Best Floats:
First Place: The Methodist Hospitals
Second Place: Gary Storm Water Management District, Department of Green Urbanism, and Recycling Department (joint winners)
Third Place: Lake County Commissioner (1st District)

Best Vehicles:
First Place: Bea’s Classy Ladies United Chapter 6053
Second Place: Lady’s N Charge
Third Place: Undisputed Champions Grand Prix and Impala Club

Best Walking Units:
First Place: I Am Dancin’ for My Life Project
Second Place: Kruciial Kreatiionz
Third Place: Let’s Move

Best Musical Units:
First Place: Yes Lord, Army of the Lord Drill Team
Second Place: Power and Light Church of Gary, Drum & Bugle Corp.
Third Place: McKinley Boys Drumline

Best Overall Winner: Asia’s Dance Factory

“I certainly would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of our Parade winners and to thank all of our parade participants for your participation and many contributions to our community,” said Freeman-Wilson. “We look forward to all of you participating again next year.”