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Christmas Train on Display at the Crown Point Library

2014-Crown-Point-Library-Christmas-TrainMake time to stop by the Crown Point children’s library during the holiday season to see the Christmas train display provided by local patron James Kennedy.

“The mission all along was to build something fun for the library kids during Christmas and to utilize this old train set which was left in boxes for ten years”, said Kennedy. “I purchased this train set for my daughter and me for something to share together when she was about five years old. I chose a metal train because the parts can be easily repaired or replaced. I always encouraged my daughter and neighbor kids to play with train set. I was always teaching and encouraging science, mechanics, and design of how things work. The theory of using the trains as a teaching skills paid off -- my daughter is graduating from Purdue with an engineering degree this year.”

Kennedy thanked the Crown Point Library for the opportunity and support for a place to set up this Christmas train display and also extends a special thanks to his McDonalds retired coffee crew Bill Gray, Chuck Herrera, Gust Nudi and Danny Bosel for all their time and effort collecting information and parts on road trips, and assistance with the project.

The train will be on display until mid-January.