Preparing any type of musical concert is a difficult task even under ideal circumstances, taking many weeks of practice and preparation. Combine this with the added details of making those arrangements while also complying with health department regulations designed to cope with a global pandemic and the task becomes daunting, but the Chesterton High School Music Department pulled it off without a hitch in presenting their second annual Music Department Holiday Concert.
With this year’s concert moved from the auditorium to the gym to allow for sufficient social distancing during the event, more than two hundred students came together to perform a set of holiday classics. Parents and family were invited to enjoy the performance from the balcony.
Featuring favorites such as “Jingle Bells,” “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,” a jazzy take on “Frosty the Snowman,” and many more, the concert closed out on a high note with a full-complement performance of the “Hallelujah Chorus” from Handel’s Messiah.
Directing the concert were Adam Bess, Band Director for Chesterton High School, with Kristin Morris, Director of Choral Music, and many other faculty and staff members who worked diligently, coming together to make sure that this year’s concert was an absolute success.
“We have all of our music department students here tonight,” said Bess. “Band, choir and orchestra, all participating in some holiday favorites. We’ll be playing some that are very popular, and some perhaps less well-known, but all entertaining.”
During one particularly entertaining part of the concert, Chesterton High School Principal Brent Martinson took to the podium to perform a dramatic reading of “A Visit from St. Nicholas,” by Clement Clarke Moore. Commonly known as “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas,” Martinson’s reading was punctuated with occasional musical accompaniment to highlight the various parts of the poem.
Chesterton students and step-sisters Lydia and Paige performed in the concert and were excited to be able to come out and play some of their favorite songs.
“It was really nice to be able to get together and perform for everyone, considering the circumstances (with COVID-19),” said Paige.
Paige’s father Rick said that he appreciated everything that the staff at the school did to ensure everyone’s health and safety during the performance.
“It was fantastic! They made sure that everyone was socially-distanced. They put on a great performance - great band effort, great singing effort, just a great performance. Really flawless,” said Rick.
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