Cancer survivor singer and inspirational speaker, Altovise Ferguson, shared her story about cancer survivorship and provided musical entertainment at Methodist Hospitals Cancer Survivorship Sunday event held on Sunday, June 4, 2017, at Methodist Hospitals’ Oncology Institute at Southlake Campus. The event was attended by cancer survivors and their friends and families.
Altovise provided inspirational musical entertainment while oncology staff served ice cream sundaes. “I am overjoyed, honored and so grateful for the opportunity to share my story. It was very powerful to speak with other survivors because we are all still here; which means that we have a purpose and destiny to share our stories without being afraid of what other people will think. We are blessed to be live,” said Altovise Ferguson.
Dr. Bharat Barai, Medical Director of the Oncology Institute at Methodist Hospitals, also provided a brief presentation of the latest treatment options and technology available for cancer patients. Dr. Bharat Barai, Medical Oncologist, was the physician that initially diagnosed and treated Altovise. National Cancer Survivors Day is an annual worldwide celebration of life that is held each year on the first Sunday in June.
About Methodist Hospitals
Methodist Hospitals is a community-based, not-for-profit health system with two full-service acute care facilities in Gary and Merrillville, Indiana, that has been leading the way to better health for residents of Northwest Indiana for almost 100 years. Methodist Hospitals offers a number of award – winning programs, including its Neuroscience, Oncology, Heart and Vascular Institutes and Breast Care Center. Its range of services also includes Women & Children’s Services, Bariatric Surgery services, Emergency & Trauma services, Immediate Care Centers, Orthopedics & Spine services, comprehensive Rehabilitation services, Behavioral Health and Home Health Services.