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Bishop Noll needs community’s help to make virtual auction a success

Bishop Noll needs community’s help to make virtual auction a success

Bishop Noll Institute has recently announced plans for The Big Reinvent 2, a virtual event and auction that will take place May 15, 2021. Organizers are currently seeking event sponsors and items that can be auctioned to the highest bidder.

Every April at Bishop Noll, the school's largest single-day fundraiser – The Big Event – raises scholarship funds for students. Every year, tens of thousands of dollars are raised to help families provide the gift of a Bishop Noll education that they wish for their children.

Last year, due to the grips of the COVID-19 virus and the inability to convene an onsite gathering, organizers had to postpone the Big Event and transitioned to a fully virtual event in May. The Big Reinvent, as it was branded, raised more than $70,000 thanks to the generosity of alumni and friends around the country.

In an effort to make this year's Big Reinvent even better, the school hopes to have more than 100 auction items including past favorites and new options. Suggested donations include gift certificates to local businesses (a great way to support small businesses and BNI), beauty salon/spa certificates, themed gift baskets, golf course certificates for the Northwest Indiana and Chicagoland area, airline miles, hotel certificates, designer purses, jewelry, sports memorabilia, technology (laptops, iPads) etc.

The event website, bigevent100.givesmart.com, includes information on sponsorships and an item donation form. In addition, it will offer previews of auction items as they become available. Donations and sponsorships can also be made by contacting the Advancement Department at advancement@bishopnoll.org or (219) 932-9058.

The Warrior Winnings Raffle will be drawn the evening of the event, with prizes of $5,000, $1,000 and $500 awarded. Tickets are $10 each, or three for $20, or 10 for $50. Raffle tickets can be purchased at the main office of Bishop Noll or via a mail in order form. Call (219) 932-9058 or email advancement@bishopnoll.org to arrange for tickets. (Indiana Raffle License #000575) Due to Indiana gaming regulations, raffle tickets cannot be sold online or purchased using a credit card.