Bailly Elementary Sweet Treat Factory

Sweet-Treat-Factory-01Bailly Elementary second grade students recently had a very unique experience as part of an economics unit. The students in Nancy Moats, Cathy Roles, Stephanie Strawbridge and Amy Annen’s classes were transformed into real employees for a day while they learned the ins and outs of making a product in an actual factory setting.

Donning hairnets and gloves for a special day of work in their very own “Sweet Treat Factory,” the students made chocolate covered pretzels with sprinkles as their product. Parents and staff also assisted the children helping to make the event run smoothly.

Before creating their own business model, the students studied an economics unit that began with a visit to the Albanese Candy Factory in Merrillville, IN. They learned how an actual business begins and what steps are necessary to produce a product in the factory. They studied about goods and services, and learned about what makes a company profitable. In addition, students were also required to fill out job applications, complete with references.

Since advertising is such an important part of a company’s success, all the students helped with the marketing process by making posters and creating songs and poems to advertise their product to the other classes. Pretzel pre-order forms were sent home with all the Bailly students to prepare for the production line.

In addition, the students chose to donate the profits from the sale of the pretzels to the Chesterton Fire Department. This donation will assist the fire department in purchasing pet rescue kits. Earlier this month, students had a visit from representative of the local fire and police departments to show the children the importance of their jobs, as well as the need for the pet rescue kits.

This activity is in conjunction with the Bailly Elementary mission of helping students develop their work ethic and begin their growth in becoming responsible citizens. The students, parents, and staff made this year’s factory experience a success.