Home»Community»Serving»Attorney Kenneth J. Allen Donates $20,000 to United Way to Promote Literacy for First and Second Graders in Porter and Lake County Schools

Attorney Kenneth J. Allen Donates $20,000 to United Way to Promote Literacy for First and Second Graders in Porter and Lake County Schools

Attorney Kenneth J. Allen Donates $20,000 to United Way to Promote Literacy for First and Second Graders in Porter and Lake County Schools

The United Way Reading Buddies regional literacy program, funded by a $20,000 donation from Attorney Kenneth J. Allen, kicked off its 2018-19 school year program this week by delivering more than 4,000 stuffed animal buddies to 180 first and second grade classrooms in Lake and Porter counties.

The Reading Buddies program is sponsored by Attorney Kenneth J. Allen who helped deliver buddies to students at Bailly Elementary in Chesterton and Homer Iddings Elementary in Merrillville. Allen also visited with the children and read a story to each classroom while students held their new reading buddies.

“Reading Buddies is an invaluable program to Porter and Lake County elementary students, and I am proud to be a sponsor again this year. Education and literacy form the basic element of our society, affecting nearly every vocation,” said Attorney Kenneth J. Allen. “It’s a privilege to sponsor the Reading Buddies program.”

The United Way Reading Buddies program promotes literacy and helps students improve oral fluency, achieve grade-level reading goals, and build confidence in their reading skills.

“This program can be used for any child, at any reading level,” said Amy Bradford, second grade teacher at McKinley Elementary School in East Chicago. “It provides reading practice and growth in a non-judgmental way. Thank you for offering this valuable resource to our students. You are making a huge impact on childhood literacy.”

Reading Buddies delivery made possible by First Methodist Church volunteers, Young Leaders United and others. For more information about the United Way Reading Buddies program, visit unitedwaypc.org.