Our service provider partner, Accion, is expanding its service area beyond Lake and Porter counties to include LaPorte, Newton, Jasper, Pulaski and Starke counties.
The alternative microfinance leader has been providing loans and technical assistance in Indiana since 2008.
Accion, a nonprofit microlender, makes loans from $500 to $50,000 to existing and start-up small businesses that have been unable to get bank financing. It has accomplished steady growth in Northwest Indiana, providing 70 small business loans totaling $455,627 as of March 2014.
"SBDC clients in Lake and Porter have received micro-loans from Accion and now the program will be available to small business owners in all seven counties where we serve clients," said Lorri Feldt, regional director of NW-ISBDC. "We're delighted that Accion is expanding financing options for businesses throughout Northwest Indiana."
Those interested in the loan process and becoming "loan ready" can meet a NW-ISBDC adviser for a one-on-one business consultation at no charge - click here to become a client - or visit Accion Chicago's Web site.