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A Northwest Indiana Life in the Spotlight: Jacob Kiefor

A Northwest Indiana Life in the Spotlight: Jacob Kiefor

Sooner or later, everyone comes across challenging situations in their life. For Jacob Kiefor, he puts his creativity on full display while receiving plenty of support from friends and families to turn his ambitions into a reality.

Kiefor grew up in Schererville, Indiana and graduated from Lake Central High School in 2016. Following graduation, he went into a transition program offered by the school for one year. It was at this time that Kiefor decided he wanted to start his own business.

“I started my business in 2019,” Kiefor said. “At the time, my sister really wanted a doormat from the store. It was too expensive for her so I just decided to make one, and it’s turned out amazing since then.”

Once he had finished the transition program, Kiefor began working on his business. He named it This is Jacob and started working on a Facebook page, website and some business cards. Today, Kiefor’s business is registered in the state of Indiana as well as a business license in St. John. In addition, This is Jacob has merchandise in every U.S. state and a few other countries. 

Kiefor is the creative mind behind the designs for the business. He focuses on responsibilities such as pressing shirts, painting doormats and serves as the primary decision-maker for the business.

While there is a small staff for the business, everyone who plays a part shares Kiefor’s main goal to raise awareness. Melanie Bennitt, Kiefor’s mother, is also grateful to help Kiefor with his business.

“This has been a really good learning experience for us,” Bennitt said. “Jacob has even taught me a lot about social media. Sometimes, the mother in me might disagree, but he’s proven to make very strong decisions with the business.”

Bennitt also details how Kiefor’s business prioritizes achieving their strategic goals above generating personal income. In fact, the money raised through the business is often provided to other places that might need financial assistance.

“Jacob doesn’t keep any of the income that he makes,” Bennitt said. “A little bit goes back into the business, but most of it is donated back to nonprofits throughout the country. It means more than the money to him. He’s done a lot of good for several people, and it’s just been an amazing experience.”

Kiefor has been very appreciative of not only Bennitt but his entire family for the continued support in giving him the green light to invest in his successful business endeavors. As a result, he’s taken full advantage of an opportunity to make the most of his mission.

“Whatever people want to do in life, I would tell them to just go for it,” Kiefor said. “Don’t let anybody get in the way of your dreams. Do it in your own special way.”

Outside of the business, Kiefor enjoys sports, watching television and spending time with the people he cares about the most. He also attends his local Down Syndrome Association of NWI at least once a week for special activities and social events.

Moving forward, Kiefor has no plans to stop his business. He’s had a lot of fun brainstorming new ideas to bring out the best product possible. While there isn’t a plan to expand as of now, Kiefor is happy to see the awareness that is being created through his business.