Myles Rapchak, Principal/Vice President at Latitude Commercial, never thought he would end up in the real estate field, but almost five years later, he couldn’t imagine taking a different career path.
When Rapchak’s childhood friend Brett McDermott co-founded Latitude Commercial alongside his older brother Aaron McDermott, they presented Rapchak with the opportunity to join them as they built what would become a successful full-service commercial real estate brokerage firm.

“It was honestly kind of fate that led me to be where I am today. Brett has been one of my best friends since we were about 13 years old, and Aaron had become an older brother to me over the years,” Rapchak said. “A few years after they opened the company, they asked me to join them. I started out having no clue about the business but have always been intrigued by real estate. With their guidance and help, here we are eight years later – I couldn’t be happier.”
Along the way, more of Rapchak’s longtime friends joined the team along with new team members with whom he has built strong relationships.
“Working with some of my best friends is a great perk to the job. Ryno [Ryne Pishkur] and I have been best friends since 1st grade, so it’s kind of surreal that we get to work together,” he said. “The whole office is full of kind, funny, and hardworking people that I truly enjoy getting to talk to and work with every day. We are extremely blessed to have found the staff that we have.”
His favorite aspect of the field? Each day brings something different.
“There’s no set routine. I really enjoy having every day be unique in the fact that some days I may have a tour or multiple different showings and others where I’m in the office all day working on marketing or prospecting,” Rapchak said. “Every day brings a new challenge and that excitement is what I really enjoy.”
Finding his clients the perfect property is a huge component in their business’ future financial success. This pressure only motivates Rapchak to do his absolute best work.
“What we do significantly affects the lives and livelihoods of our clients. Our clients are putting their trust in us to sell/lease their property and give them the income they need to survive in some cases,” Rapchak said. “Taking on a listing is something that we cherish as a company and we work extremely hard to make our clients as happy as possible.”
The business is competitive, which Rapchak welcomes.
“Latitude is the absolute perfect fit for me. This job keeps me motivated for my clients at all times, which brings out the competitive nature in me,” he said. “My competitiveness has made me the person I am today, and I wouldn’t change it for anything. I think this trait really helps in the real estate field as I strive to be the best for our clients.”
In his free time, Rapchak takes his competitive nature to the course, or his driveway.
“I don’t care if it’s driveway basketball, checkers, or golf, I will not be okay with losing,” Rapchak laughed. “My favorite sport, though, and where you can find me on basically any nice day that I have free time, is the golf course. It’s definitely my biggest passion outside of work, and it’s a sport that teaches you a lot about patience and honesty – two of the greatest traits I believe you can have - so I’m very thankful to have taken it up at such a young age. If anyone reading this wants a game, I’m your huckleberry!” he laughed.
Aside from his competitiveness, Rapchak also takes pride in being an advocate for others.
“I try to see the good in everyone and everything. Everyone has their faults, but I try to live my life by treating everyone with respect and encouragement and that is very important to me,” Rapchak said. “My friends and family are everything to me as they have molded me into who I am today, so I just try to give them back the same love that they show me day in and day out.”
Rapchak would like to thank Aaron and Brett McDermott for introducing him to the real estate field and showing him the way to success.
“Aaron and Brett always held me accountable and pushed me to be the best Myles I could be. This goes for both in and out of the workplace,” he said. “I really can’t thank them enough for all of their support over the years, and I’m extremely grateful to have them as partners but more importantly, friends.”
Looking forward, Rapchak hopes to continue to grow Latitude’s success and exposure in the Region.
“I truly believe our future potential is through the roof. We have an unbelievable team that continues to get better and better with each passing day. We are all motivated and driven to give our clients the best possible service, and at the end of the day, that’s what makes us successful.”
For more information on Latitude Commercial, visit