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A CompressAir employee spotlight: Jessica Pokropinski & Tyler Crowl

A CompressAir employee spotlight: Jessica Pokropinski  & Tyler Crowl

CompressAir sells top-notch industrial and construction air compressors, air dryers, piping systems, service contracts and all other products associated with the compressed air industry. In order to sell these items and services, there must be a superior sales team behind the transaction.

Jessika Pokropinski and Tyler Crowl are both the drivers of the sales force at CompressAir. They grew up in Northwest Indiana, and their unique journeys eventually led them to the roles they’re in today. 

Pokropinski started her first sales job when she was only 19 years old.  After she graduated high school, she met the Crowl family during a previous job as a sales representative. Andy and Tyler Crowl were impressed with Jessika’s work ethic and approached her while she was looking for new opportunities.

Originally, CompressAir hired Jessika to work in customer service. However, they became busier and needed her to start assisting in sales.

“I quickly transitioned into being a salesperson full-time for them due to my background in sales,” Pokropinski said. 

“I always knew I wanted to be in an industrial setting,” she said. “My family is in the local 150 trades. I learned that I could be in a construction or industrial industry and still have the opportunities I have now while meeting a bunch of people.” 

Over the past five years, Pokropinski has dived into the compressor industry, learning and growing in the trade. 

“I’ve had the chance to learn the compressor industry, which is pretty unique,” Pokropinski said. “I didn’t realize how many facilities use compressed air.”

“I’ve also grown as a salesperson,” Pokropinski continued. “This kind of work style is a part of my personality.”

Pokropinski said their customer base is surprisingly diverse, ranging from Bass Pro shops, to manufacturing, to food and beverage, to mom and pop shops.

“I like my job so much because it’s not the same every day,” Pokropinski said. “Tyler and I are usually doing sales outside of the office, so the more networking, the better ultimately we do, and the better the company does.”

Pokropinski explained that CompressAir’s sales teams do a lot of different networking to build and keep relationships going.

 “It’s not a drop and done,” she said. “We have to keep the relationship going, which is a big part of my job.” 

Sales Engineer Tyler Crowl grew up in La Porte and currently lives in Rolling Prairie with his wife and two dogs. 

When Crowl’s father purchased CompressAir he started in the industry by working summers in the shop, learning the ins and outs of the equipment.

“After high school, I started working for CompressAir fulltime alongside a Sullair Senior Air System Specialist who quickly became my mentor,” Crowl said. “I was learning about all the products we have to offer, putting together a full air system, and discovering the best solutions for our customers. Today, I am able to help our sales teams offer the best resolutions for their customers to keep [their compressors] running efficiently and cost-friendly.”

“I love people and being a solution provider for customer’s needs, so the job fit my passion,” Crowl said. 

Crowl also nodded to the industry’s diversity. 

“Sales in the compressed air industry is very unique in the way that no day is like the next and every customer, site, and system is extremely different, so you get to utilize each of your skills and knowledge, and it always keeps you on your toes,” he said. 

“I love my customers and being able to keep their air systems trouble-free with the best service technicians in the world who make my job fun and rewarding,” Crowl said. 

Both Pokropinski and Crowl believe the compressed air industry is constantly changing and those involved must be eager to learn, try new tactics, and implement successful ideas.  

Discover more about CompressAir on their website.