What’s Recently Happened :

Whiting High School (WHS) band played another great year in the annual WHS Holiday Concert, on December 13. Their instructor Patrick Pecher who directs the band and choir for the school led students to play flawlessly that evening. The concert consisted of ensembles from the band playing for their friends, family, and other supporters.
The WHS band played and gained the attention of the people in Whiting by performing for their audience of all ages. The performance also included Whiting’s Middle School band, which made for a big outcome for many supporters of the band and choir.
The choir would also be directed by Pecher and both groups would perform their very best, and continue to practice after the concert and at athletic events.

Teacher Spotlight :
Whiting High School’s art teacher Brandon Fentress who was interviewed on his experience at Whiting, as well as advice he wanted to share with his students and other aspiring artists.
Fentress wanted to become a teacher to help young people avoid mishaps he saw his friends experience.
“I wanted to help young people avoid the pitfalls that I watched a lot of my peers fall into. Whether it be bad grades, poor life decisions, or not having great lives. I wanted to help people avoid making those same mistakes,” Fentress said. “My biggest influence is my parents, they allowed me to express myself creatively. And the ability to pursue being creative allowed me to kind of chase the dreams I had at that moment.” Fentress adds on, talking about the reason he wanted to be a teacher, and the influence he felt he could have on his students along with other young people. “I think being creative allows anyone to have an upper edge, no matter what the field is. That’s why I believe it is important to teach art to students because if they are creative it gives them that upper edge compared to others when pursuing their field of work and interest.”

Fentress would still like to work with people when he is not teaching.
“I’ve always had a desire to help people in one way or another. I think if I wasn’t strictly teaching I would be fully dedicated to finding internships, or working on real estate projects. Trying to teach young men and women how to do carpeting, plumping, different trades and help guide them with different sources for life,” Fentress said. “I currently do lots of other things than just teaching. I feel that people nowadays have the ability to not just have to do the same job for 40-50 years. I think we live in a world where you can do multiple things and have multiple jobs.”
While being at Whiting high school for over 5 years, he then goes on to explain his favorite moments at WHS and the overwhelming joy it brings him.
“Every so often, a student lets me know that I have impacted their life in some sort of way. That right there is a huge joy for me, it is something that I take seriously and truly appreciate.”Fentress said.
Student Spotlight :
Whiting High School freshmen Arianna Vianello was interviewed and described her high school experience, and how the school has changed for her.
“Here at Whiting, I am involved in many different sports. I play volleyball, softball, basketball, and cheerleading.” Vianello said. “My favorite moment at Whiting so far had to be homecoming night. This night was like a glimpse into what the rest of my high school years were going to look like, and honestly, I'm excited. It also made life feel somewhat normal again. There were so many laughs and memories that night, if I could relive this night again, I definitely would,”.
Despite being only a freshman, Vianello talks about how the pandemic affected her high school experience, as well as why it changed her perspective on school.
“Well because I just started high school, I wouldn't really have too much to say. I couldn't imagine what it was like for the past students when covid was really bad. For my high school experience, the only way it has affected me is all of the new restrictions I'm not used to. Having to wear a mask all the time, and seeing tons of people have to leave the school because of this virus. All I can say is I hope it is all over soon.”
When asked about what advice she has for her fellow students and peers she says “Honestly the best advice I would give is to live your life to the fullest and don't let anyone get in the way of you trying to achieve your goals. I know it sounds pretty cliche, but it really does mean so much during these years of your life," Vianello said. "Also, focus on your academics. That is what's really going to get you anywhere in life, so make it your main priority,”.

“My favorite memories have to be from the girls on my cheer team. We all had the closest bond and made everything so much more fun. I can't think of a specific memory because they all hold a special place in my heart.” Vianello said.
What’s Coming Up :
The Lady Oilers basketball team at WHS will be preparing for the upcoming sectionals at the end of January and will continue practicing and playing until then. The team has been working extremely hard this season and has been excited that it will be the first full season back post-pandemic, along with the restrictions not being as harsh as before.
The WHS girls basketball team will continue to play their games and have the support of the WHS students and peers to continue working hard in their season.