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#1StudentNWI: Talents Shine at Lowell

#1StudentNWI: Talents Shine at Lowell

Student Spotlight:

While some people are talented in one area, junior Jordan Harris is very talented in multiple aspects. Whether it’s with an instrument, using his voice, or on a golf course, Jordan’s talent shines.

Harris began playing golf when he was three. Starting off with a plastic set of clubs, he’s progressed to loving it ever since. He’s worked his way up from being a beginner to being among the top ranked in Northwest Indiana. He’s also participated in the semi-state competition for two years in a row and is striving to reach state for the next two years.

Additionally, Harris discovered his passion for music when he was young, something he attributes to his mom.

“As a kid, I was always listening to music and singing while dancing,” said Harris.

Now, he excels in playing the guitar, piano, and singing. He puts his musical talents to good use singing for his church, entering the school talent show, and now by taking on the lead role for the upcoming musical ‘Shrek.’

He’s found out that the most difficult part of having the role of Shrek is “the personal reliance to deliver the story, keeping my vocal range intact and not hurting my voice.”

While there are some difficulties, he’s discovered the deeper meaning of the play and his role. His favorite part is being able to depict that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

“People should come to see the musical because it's a story that everyone can relate to that also is funny and inspirational. All in all a great time,” Harris said.

Staff Spotlight: Mrs. Meska

1Student-Lowell-March-2018-02One of the most popular art classes at Lowell High School is ceramics. Much of this can be accredited to the teacher Mrs. Meska due to her teaching style and passion for the art.

Meska realized she wanted to teach while she was in college and has enjoyed teaching students of all ages for the past 20 years.

Not only do the students enjoy her classes and teaching style, but she loves teaching at Lowell as well. She believes her students to be incredible as she's able to share her passion with them.

She uses her knowledge to teach students essential skills and processes in order for them to create their own successful pieces. Students make many pieces of art ranging from pots, to bowls, to figures, to tiles. They then get to select glaze for their creations, and ultimately end with a hand-crafted individualized product. This a result that students don’t always get in other classes with makes this experience exciting.

“We take something that comes out of the ground and completely transform it into something functional or aesthetically beautiful,” explained Meksa.

In addition to being a teacher, she is also a professional potter. She creates thrown and hand built pottery to show and sell at galleries and shows in the area.

What’s Going On:

1Student-Lowell-March-2018-03On March 6th, Lowell hosted it’s 5th annual Special Olympics basketball game. The game featured the Lowell Red Devils vs the Crown Point Bulldogs. The game had free admission, but accepted donations at the door. Aside from the game, there was also a 50/50 raffle, $1 half court shots, and t-shirts for sale for $10. The event drew in a crowd and also collected money to go toward community projects, like the Special Olympics program.

Lowell had multiple athletes proceed to state for the winter season. Andres Moreno competed in state for wrestling and placed an impressive seventh place for his weight class. Ethan Krucina also went onto state for swimming. He placed 28th and 16th for his events, finishing off his senior season on a high note.

The boy’s basketball team ended their season after a hard-fought sectional game against Munster. After being up at the half, the lead slipped away ending in a final score of 49-56.

Lowell’s academic super bowl had its first competition of the year and placed first overall. This was the first time in five years of hosting the invitational that Lowell has won.

What’s Coming Up:

1Student-Lowell-March-2018-04‘Shrek’ the musical is having it’s opening night on Thursday the 8th at 7pm. The show will continue on Friday at 7pm, Saturday at 7pm, and on Sunday at 2pm. Everyone is welcome to come see the Lowell theater department’s performance of the popular movie!

On the 17th, Lowell is hosting its annual dodgeball tournament in the pit! Anyone can assemble a team of five players and face off against other teams to become the tournament champions. It’s a great event as teams often dress up and have competitive fun. The proceeds from this event go toward the academic super bowl.

Also, on the 20th at 6:30 pm, there is a band concert in the auditorium.