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#1StudentNWI: Summer Events for Lowell

#1StudentNWI: Summer Events for Lowell

Student Spotlight: Madison Jusevitch

From the dates of June 30 to July 9, a group of people from Suncrest Church traveled to Haiti on a mission trip. Among this group was Lowell senior Madison Jusevitch, who gained a valuable perspective of the world around us.

During this trip, the group essentially held a Vacation Bible School for the kids. They focused on teaching the lesson that God is always with you. In the afternoons, they did team building and communication activities for the teenagers. Madison came to realize that Americans really underestimate how much third world countries need our help. It was extremely eye-opening for her to be able to view the world from their perspective.

“We really are blessed with way more than we need. If each person could just contribute a percent of what they have to people in countries like Haiti it would make all the difference,” she stated.

While Madison and her group were in Haiti, a period of destructive riots over gas prices began. Upon trying to get back to the compound they were staying at, they were confronted with roadblocks such as large boulders and burning tires. They stayed at a relative of their interpreter during the time of the riots. When their scheduled day of return to the United States came, they ran into more issues as the airport was shut down.

Despite this unforeseen issue, Madison believes that Haiti, and countries like Haiti, are among some of the most beautiful and have the most beautiful people in them.

Community Member Spotlight: Scotty Forester

If attending a Lowell sporting event, it’s likely that you’ll see Scotty Forester, a reporter for the Lowell Tribune. He has written articles over Lowell sports for the past 9 years, and has proven to be extremely dedicated and passionate about his job. Scotty has been a long-time sports lover, and pursuing journalism has given him an even bigger appreciation for sports.

He explained that the best thing he has ever done in his life is to cover girl’s sports, because when he was growing up he didn’t believe they could play at a high level. The first job he had was to cover girl’s softball, which he felt reluctant about at first. Upon entering the job and observing an outstanding shortstop, he couldn’t believe how good she was.

“The respect I have for them now as athletes made me not only a better writer but gave me a better understanding of just how good they are in sports,” Forester explained.

Scotty admitted that he is quite opinionated, and sometimes it is a bit difficult for him to hold back his opinion when he doesn’t agree with what’s going on in the game. From a young age he has been instilled with values of respect and sportsmanship, which he sometimes sees lacking in sports today. Even so, he refrains from calling out any players or coaches.

Scotty covers all sports at Lowell, and his dedication at doing so has gained a lot of well earned respect from athletes, parents, and coaches alike.

What’s Going On:

Lowell hosted a Corn Roast on July 21st, taking place from 2-10. It featured food, drinks, music, and a cornhole tournament at Liberty Park.

August 1st began online registration for the upcoming school year. The Tri-Creek School System gained a new superintendent, Mr. Gardin.

On the 3rd, the girl’s golf team won their first conference match of the season. Tori Langen got first overall, and Alyssa Harkness got second overall.

On August 4th there was the 4th annual Nick Schultz Live, Love, Give, Run/ Walk 5K. This 5K is in honor of former Lowell football player, who was killed in the line of duty as a police officer. The first overall male was Lowell junior Gabe Sanchez. The first overall female was Lowell senior Annalise James.

What’s Coming Up:

The 2018-19 school year is approaching quickly, and there are consequently many activities coming up because of it. High School freshman orientation will be August 10th, where freshmen receive information needed for transitioning into high school.

Back to School Night which is open for all incoming high school students is on August 14th. The first day of school for all students is following shortly after on the 15th.

The first football game is on August 17 at Crown Point. This is Lowell’s rivalry game against the Crown Point Bulldogs, as they hope to secure the Leather Helmet again this year.