What’s recently happened?
On June 24, players from the Lake Central High School Football Team got together and volunteered at a mobile food bank held at Merrillville Intermediate School.

The Food Bank of Northwest Indiana has mobile markets that move around throughout the Northwest and are available for anyone in the area. The markets are drive-through only and it is first come first serve.
The guys were able to help their community by passing food out to cars lined up at the school from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. The bags they distributed to the cars included things like fruits, vegetables, snacks, meat, yogurt, and protein shakes.
The team works incredibly hard and conditions four times a week at the school to train for their upcoming season. Volunteering together as a group gave the guys a great opportunity to hang out outside of the weight room.
Grant Lesniewski, a senior at Lake Central High School and wide receiver for the football team, was one of the volunteers at the food bank.

“We were able to help out our community and strengthen our bond as a team,” Lesniewski said.
The guys plan on going back to the food bank to volunteer again before summer break ends and their season begins.
“It was a great opportunity and I’m excited to go back to help,” Lesniewski said.
The Food Bank of Northwest Indiana has a schedule for the month of July posted on its website regarding where they will be and when. You can find it at foodbanknwi.org. If you are interested in volunteering, do not hesitate to go take a look at its website.
What’s coming up?
Coming up on July 28, the Schererville Chamber of Commerce will be hosting its 60th Corn Roast at Redar Park. This is a big event for the town every year, and this year is extra special -it is the 60th anniversary of the Corn Roast.

The event will be taking place from 4 p.m.-11 p.m. at the park. Food trucks and a beer garden will be available.
Great food options and vendors will be available with entertainment. DJ Alex Payton is up first on stage and then Crawpuppies will follow.
Maribeth Watts, a Schererville town member, is looking forward to this year’s Corn Roast.
“The Schererville Chamber Corn Roast has always been a staple of summer fun for as long as I can remember. It’s one of my favorite events to see friends, enjoy good food, and support our business community,” Watts said.
Community member spotlight:
In the industry of politics, there are many important positions and jobs. Gina Pimentel currently holds the position of Lake County Recorder. She is an extremely hardworking and motivated woman who deeply values her job and the community.

Pimentel started off working as Chief Deputy in the Government Center. For six years, she spent her time in that position learning all aspects of the office, as well as all of the departments it consisted of. In 2020, Pimentel decided to run for Recorder and was successful. Her term then officially started in 2021.
The Recorder’s office is responsible for recording documents that have to do with personal property. Documents like deeds, mortgages, releases, and leans are all recorded there. They are brought in by mail, walk-ins, and e-recording.
“We are a big library and we collect documents from all around the country. We record approximately 400 documents a day. We are a very busy office,” Pimentel said.
As Recorder, Pimentel is able to manage the operations of the office and be hands-on. She is constantly evolving the office’s ability to run efficiently.
“An example of one of the things that I feel is the coolest is that we can record in real-time. If someone were to come into the counter to record a deed, we would take their original deed that they walked in with and scan it in. They would pay for it and they would get to leave with their original deed,” Pimentel said.
While Pimentel is running the office, she also devotes a great amount of time to her community as well. She loves to volunteer and give back.
Last month, her office gave a donation to St. Jude House. This month, Pimentel will be collecting backpacks and school supplies to donate to Highland Middle School to hand out in August. Pimentel has the platform to be able to reach out to the community and different organizations to ask for donations to help others.

In the past, Pimentel has also worked with St. Joseph’s Carmelite Home, My Brother’s Keeper, and the Salvation Army Angel Tree. Her office, as well as other offices in the building always help and donate as well.
“I’m really excited about re-election for next term. It’s a job that I love. I am present, hands-on, and this job is my livelihood,” Pimentel said.
Pimentel doesn’t take advantage of her job or position; her priority is to help others. She plans on filing for re-election in 2024.
“I’m here in the office on a daily basis working because that’s what the taxpayers deserve. I love what I do, and I am hoping to be here for another four years,” Pimentel said.