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#1StudentNWI: Pioneers Pass the Plate

#1StudentNWI: Pioneers Pass the Plate

What’s Happened?

At Clark, our students are the gifts that keep on giving.

The girls basketball team sponsored a New Year’s Eve Dinner Box Giveaway. Students and families were able to donate non-perishable food items to Strack & Van Til in Whiting and Hammond, and, in return, received a raffle ticket for a prize. The dinner boxes helped families in need.

The basketball team placed collection boxes in selected locations, decorated in true pioneer spirit with blue and white sparkly lettering stating our motto, “Once a pioneer, always a pioneer.” The theme of the giveaway was, “Blessed to be a Blessing.”

Our Pioneers know how to help people start the new year off with great spirit, and a full stomach!

Student Spotlight: Juan Henley1-stu-clark-2019-01

Meet Juan!

He is a sophomore at Clark High School. Keeping a strong academic record, Juan is a well-rounded student involved in many extracurricular activities such as basketball, cross country, and C-Club.

C-Club is for athletes that “letter” in a sport on a varsity team. Juan letters in cross country, and plans to join the football team his Junior year to further expand his athletic abilities.

Outside of school, Juan loves to hang out with his friends, meet new people, travel, explore new tastes in foods, and listen to music. Juan has not traveled far because his family does not enjoy traveling, but he has visited places such as Mississippi and Wisconsin. Despite not being able to travel much, he does enjoy going to Chicago. “The tall buildings, the stores I wouldn’t dare to shop in because they’re so expensive, the sights. Everything is beautiful there,” Juan said.

Juan's aspirations for the future: “I want to be my own boss.”

He does not want to work for anyone in life, and hopes to help others who struggle. The main goal is for him to be successful, by his own rules and own motives.

Overall, Juan is the guy to meet. His outgoing persona allows people to build friendships quickly, and he always offers a helping hand.

Teacher Spotlight: Alex Peck1-stu-clark-2019-02

Alex Peck is one of the high school art teachers. He currently teaches AP Studio Art, 2D Art, the basics and advanced, and has delved into 3D design for a semester. Besides the crafty and creative persona, Peck is one of the many staff members involved in Clark sports. Peck is the golf coach and the the basketball coach at GRC. He helps the boys become stronger at their athletic skills, and he helps students think creatively.

Peck is someone most students can talk to. Being a younger teacher, he can easily relate to the students in his classroom, and the other Pioneers who roam the halls here at GRC. Despite his often sarcastic character, he does listen and helps students in need.

Peck is also the Senior Class sponsor. As a sponsor, he helps the students formulate ideas for homecoming and other school events, plan senior trips, and urges the Class of 2019 to finish strong.

Without teachers like Mr. Peck, school would be boring.

What’s Coming Up?

Homecoming is coming up once again!

This time, we see the basketball team take on Gavit February 15. Students are getting anxious for the big event. With all homecoming events come the traditions of working together as a class to create themed floats and hallways. This year, the theme is TV shows.

Seniors are working hard as ever to take another win in the decorating competition, hoping to get their third consecutive win and their final win as a class. Despite the seniors working hard, the other classes provide stiff competition.

But homecoming isn’t just about the fun festivity of pep rallies and decorating—it’s about the basketball team working hard in the gym to reach victory. The boys have been staying after school for long practices, collaborating with their coaches to take down the Gavit Gladiators. Every GRC member will rev the team up, and cheer for the future victory of the Pioneers Boys Basketball team!