What’s recently happened?
Diving into the summer spirit, Munster Theater Company (MTC) performed its production of “SpongeBob SquarePants: The Broadway Musical” this past weekend at the Munster High School (MHS) auditorium.

“There have been so many great memories with this show and the cast,” Junior Tara Gaither said. “The show had lots of big dance numbers that were so fun to do, and even the moments backstage with the cast were fun and memorable.”
Gaither played the role of Sandy alongside other main characters: SpongeBob played by Freshman Wesley Harley and Patrick played by Junior Diego Casas. Gaither has been involved in theater since middle school and enjoys performing on stage.
“I love acting and putting myself out there,” Gaither said. “If anyone judges me, it doesn’t matter because I am playing my character.”
What's coming up?
Coming together for their concert yesterday, the MHS Choirs performed at their final concert of the year. Choir Director Luke McGinnis is now looking forward to the summer Austria trip. When McGinnis was a part of his school choir, he had the opportunity to travel, so he is excited to pass on this experience to his students.

“I am just incredibly excited,” McGinnis said. “I became a teacher to be able to share these very opportunities. Even for the people not going, they are still learning the songs and are a part of the journey.”
At their final concert, the choirs will debut a specially composed piece that was made specifically for the Munster Choirs. The piece, “Spaces in Your Togetherness,” will also be performed on the Austria trip in Vienna.
The trip is approaching, as the choir students will be flying out on June 27 and staying there till July 4.
Staff spotlight:
Greeting students as they come into the school building early in the morning, School Resource Officer Gabe Isenblatter hopes to make students’ days a little better.

“My favorite part of working at MHS is my interactions with students,” Isenblatter said.
After students make it to their first class in the morning, Isenblatter checks all the doors to make sure they are locked and secured. He also helps supervise lunches and serves as an informal counselor when students have questions.
He stresses that he truly values the students and all the genuine conversations he has with them at MHS. He hopes that students can trust him and can break away from the stigma around police officers.
“I enjoy helping bridge the gap between students and police officers by allowing students to see police officers in a good way,” Isenblatter said. “Police officers are often not seen in a good light. We are not out to get everyone. We want people running to us, not from us.”
As school comes to an end, Isenblatter will still be out and about in the Town of Munster working and patrolling.
“You will probably see me cycling around the Region,” Isenblatter said. “I also spend most of my time at the Munster Community Pool, and I am a Field Training Officer for the police department. When I am not doing that, I do enjoy cooking.”
Student spotlight:

Keeping a steady hand as she brushes the polish onto her nails, Senior Briana Martinez discovered during quarantine that she enjoyed doing nail art. Instead of just being a quarantine hobby, Martinez looked for ways she could make this a future career.
“My sister went to the Area Career Center (ACC), so I knew I wanted to go there, but I was not sure for what,” Martinez said. “When I met with my counselor, I saw cosmetology on the list of classes offered there, and I knew that was the thing for me.”
The ACC is a program offered for MHS students. These students take three regular MHS classes, and then they are bussed over to the ACC to learn about the career of their choosing.
For Martinez, the cosmetology course at the ACC consisted of many subjects for her to explore: hair stylist, barber, nail technician, lash technician, and esthetician. Although she initially went for her interest in nails, she was intrigued by another route of cosmetology.
“I realized that I love doing hair, especially hair color,” Martinez said. “I want to be that person who helps people feel gorgeous for special events or just on an everyday basis.”
The ACC has given Martinez the opportunity to attend a hair show, visit a multitude of salons, and become a licensed cosmetologist. She was also able to seek out a specific salon, Vanis, where she will fulfill an apprenticeship.
“I am looking forward to Vanis teaching me its techniques,” Briana said. “I am very excited to expand my knowledge, be able to give my clients the best experience, and help my clients love their hair.”