What’s Recently Happened:
The graduating class at Lowell High School (LHS) was not walking the halls of the school like usual on Tuesday, May 17. Instead, every school within the Tri-Creek School Corporation worked together to honor the accomplishments of the graduates in the annual Senior Parade.
Lowell’s Three Creeks, Lake Prairie, and Oak Hill Elementaries opened their doors to give the seniors the opportunity to be applauded by the students and teachers while looking back on their memories from their early years of education. There were countless hugs between teachers and former students, and smiles and cheers from the crowds of elementary students as they saw their role models walk by in their caps and gowns, visualizing the day they will do the same.
The parade of caps and gowns stopped by Lowell Middle School as well, again giving seniors the chance to remember and acknowledge the many accomplishments they’ve had throughout their educational careers, both big and small.
This year’s Senior Parade proved to be a big hit amongst every Red Devil in the school corporation. Social media was filled with pictures of the graduates posing with their favorite teachers, little siblings, and giving out high fives to the younger students. Smiles were contagious and the excitement was buzzing through every hall.
After the parade, the busloads of 2022 graduates returned to LHS for a celebratory lunch in the school’s stadium. Several food trucks were waiting to provide the students with a free meal. The weather was perfect for the seniors to sit amongst their fellow students who have been by each other's sides since kindergarten while enjoying their lunches.
Ultimately, the Senior Parade of 2022 was a total success, and received mass amounts of praise from all. LHS cares deeply for all of their students, and showed the class of 2022 that their hard work and determination for the past 12 years of school have not gone unnoticed. Congratulations to Lowell’s graduating class, and best wishes for their future endeavors!
What's Coming Up:
Along with the end of the 2021-2022 school year comes the graduation ceremony for the Class of 2022. The ceremony will take place on June 7, 2022 at 6 p.m.
Each graduate received nine tickets to distribute to friends and family for the ceremony. This includes five white tickets and four blue tickets. Every person entering graduation will need possession of a ticket, regardless of age. In the event of rain on the day of the ceremony, only those with white tickets will be allowed to attend due to a decrease in capacity indoors. However, if the event is outside in the LHS stadium, all tickets will be allowed in to spectate the ceremony.
The ceremony will definitely prove to be a memorable experience for the graduates and those in the audience. LHS is excited to acknowledge the class of 2022 and all of their accomplishments.
As seniors walk the stage to accept their diploma and throw their caps into the air with their classmates, they will definitely know that even though they are now Lowell graduates and alumni, they will forever be a Red Devil and have the support of the entire town of Lowell behind them.
Staff Spotlight:
LHS teacher Nicole Anderson is the definition of a passionate, inspiring, and amazing teacher who shows extreme amounts of dedication and love for every student that walks past her in the halls and into her classroom. She is definitely one of the main components in making LHS the welcoming and supportive place that it is. It is because of amazing teachers like her who make school memorable and enjoyable for everyone around her.
Anderson and her family moved to Lowell in 2007. She has four sons, and she followed them through their years in school, beginning at Lake Prairie Elementary School. She started her time in education by helping teachers with spelling tests, reading, math, and even was a part of the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). After years of volunteering and showing her dedication for students, she began substitute teaching at the primary level.
“I avoided high school at first because I did not feel that I could handle teenagers," Anderson said. "What I found out was that my fears were a result of not yet having teens of my own. One day, in 2016, I did take a half day at the high school and was approached with teaching Biology for an ailing teacher. After accepting that position, in less than half the school day, l realized that I had found exactly where I wanted to be. I felt as if I was in a Hallmark movie, and that is really funny to me because I do not enjoy chick flicks!"
Anderson now teaches Honor Biology and Biology I at LHS. She also was approached with an opportunity to work with Lowell’s Academic Science Super Bowl.
“Nothing is more inspiring than listening to young voices, already overflowing with knowledge, that can serve our world in a positive way through new ideas and fresh perspectives,” Anderson said.
Amongst LHS’ student body, there is nothing but kind words said about Anderson. She is known around the school for her positive attitude and how she makes it clear that she is passionate for everyone and everything she comes across. She stays strong when times get tough, and lets nothing bring her or her students down. She is extremely appreciated at Lowell, and many students suggested that she be spotlighted.
Anderson stated that her favorite part of teaching in Lowell is the many different generations and students of the same families that she gets to see come through the school.
“I think that from a student perspective, it lends a sense of permanence and security when they reach high school. Students can enter our classrooms, knowing some of the names and stories of their teachers. It also shows them our dedication to serving our small, rural community. My hope is that it provides them with comfort and stability knowing they can count on us year after year,” Anderson said.
Lastly, she discusses how the LHS faculty always upholds a sense of family. They are bonded to one another through learning experiences, daily challenges, and times of high stress levels. However, they grow through leadership, acceptance, and our common desire to educate students.
“My colleagues are heros, not only to the kids that need them, but to me. They led me to this craft with their dedication and commitment to an often undervalued profession,” Anderson said.
After getting the amazing opportunity to learn about Anderson and her amazing story of becoming a teacher and finding her true passion, it has become clear why so many students constantly rave about their biology teacher. Being able to be a student in the same building as such an incredible teacher who shows nothing but love for everyone around her is truly an honor for every Lowell Red Devil.
Student Spotlight:
Raegan Bretzinger is a Junior at LHS who is using her classes and education to her utmost advantage to prepare her for her future. She also shows what it means to get involved within the school and help out wherever needed. She always works her very hardest to put smiles on the faces of those around her, and knows the importance of working hard in her studies.
Bretzinger is a current member of the LHS chapter of the National Honor Society (NHS), in which she was selected and inducted due to her tendency to excel in her classes. NHS values and includes students who show values of leadership, compassion, and drive.
She also has taken it upon herself to get involved in the world of high school athletics by serving as the boy’s varsity basketball manager for the past two seasons. Managers, although sometimes gone unrecognized, are extremely helpful when it comes to the flow and structure of a team, especially basketball. You can find Bretzinger passing out water, towels, doing game statistics for the coach, operating the scoreboard, and even helping out the team with drills when needed. Doing this has given Bretzinger the opportunity to receive her varsity letter award.
Bretzinger says that her last three years at LHS have been full of nothing but welcoming people. She describes the atmosphere at the high school as very welcoming, and she has noticed that everyone works their hardest to make a comfortable learning environment for students. She also loves the feeling of Lowell’s school spirit. She states that LHS has taught her how to work well with others and do her very best on every challenge she is faced with,
“The football games are when I feel the most school spirit. It’s when everyone comes together and supports the team. In the student section, you truly feel like a big happy family,” Bretzinger said.
Bretzinger’s future goals include diving into a career of psychology. To prepare her for this, she is currently involved in biomedical science classes and AP psychology. She has shown extreme amounts of drive to prepare herself for her future career.