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#1StudentNWI: Lowell Wrapping Up the School Year

#1StudentNWI: Lowell Wrapping Up the School Year

What’s Going On:

Lowell competed well at the annual ISSMA competition this year. Concert band was one of the 5/12 teams to receive gold. Group and wind ensemble competed in group one, which plays the most difficult music. Out of that group, Lowell was the only one to receive gold, which is an extremely impressive accomplishment.

On April 28, there was a public production of Peter Pan, put on in the Lowell auditorium. Many elementary students from around the area came over to enjoy the show.

The Special Needs Prom was a success again this year. Students spent hours having fun at the Under The Sea themed dance. There was food, refreshments, and even a free photo booth for everyone to enjoy. The Red Devil Mentoring Program’s hard-work definitely paid off with the incredible event they hosted.

What’s Coming Up:

1Student-Lowell-May-2018-02Shakespeare Fest is taking place on May 10th and 11th during the school day. The Dramatic Literature classes have been preparing the production for months now, which students can attend by paying $1. The performance features famous Shakespeare verses, usually with an individual flare given by the students. This year, there is a High School Musical theme, which will be sure to entertain.

Lowell’s prom is on the night of May 19. The theme is ‘Enchanted Forest.’

The National Honor Society is hosting a cancer walk on May 25th. A donation of $2 is being collected from students in order to participate in the event. Students will walk around the outdoor track, play games, listen to music, and be given popsicles. All of the money is going towards cancer based foundations.

Lowell’s Got Talent will be on May 26th, starting at 7 pm. General admission tickets will be sold at $5, and VIP tickets at $7. The event will be like never before, with guest judges and exhibition acts. Everyone is encouraged to come to watch Lowell students showcase their talents and face off for 1st place.

The last day of school is May 30, and is approaching quickly. Many students are eager for summer as the countdown of school days left is less than 20.

Staff Spotlight:

1Student-Lowell-May-2018-03Coach Coil has coached over 40 seasons of sports, ranging from soccer, basketball, cross country, and track. But never before has he had a team the size of this year’s Girl’s Track and Field team. With a team of over 70 girls, he admits it can be “hectic keeping everything in order, but it is a good problem to have. This is also the deepest team we've had, probably ever. We have the ability to move kids around to maximize points, we haven't had the option in the past.”

His main goal for this season is to see improvement from everyone on the team and to be competitive at every meet. This goal has been accomplished as the team finished the regular season 4-1 in conference, took 2nd at the LaPorte Invite, and 1st at Rich Central. Also, a relay team and individual qualified for indoor state: the Distance Medley Relay of Jordyn Boyer, Gabby Alessia, Sydney Kramer, and Annalise James as well as thrower Tanner Greenholt.

Unfortunately, a lot of bad weather early in the season resulted in close to half of the season being canceled. This defined and shaped the season greatly, but nevertheless, Coil says that “This could be the best postseason I've had since I started.” This proves the effectiveness of his coaching style and dedication of his athletes. He believes that there will be a decent amount of Lowell girls advancing to regionals in multiple events, and even quite a few have the possibility to advance to state.

Their next meet is conference on May 8th at Highland High school. Best of luck to Coil and his athletes in the postseason!

Student Spotlight:

1Student-Lowell-May-2018-04Participation in school clubs and organizations are fun and beneficial for students. Many students take part in one or two, but Liam Collins is an exception as he is a member of far more.

Liam is a member of the Academic Decathlon and Academic Super bowl Math and Science Teams. He is also in Nation Honor Society, STAND Club, Theater, Fencing, Student Advisory Committee, Improv Club, Peer Mentoring, and coaches the Lowell Special Olympics Basketball Team. Being in such a wide range of activities allows him to explore different interests and find his best fit.

A huge interest of Liam’s is making his community a better place. He is able to better achieve that through his participation in STAND, National Honor Society, and Peer Mentoring, which are all community based. These programs are outlets to community service opportunities, and are extremely beneficial to not only the school but the community as a whole.

Balancing all of these activities seems difficult, but he proves that it is attainable.

“I do my best to work everything out and give everything I can to each activity,” Liam explained. He does all this while maintaining straight A’s in advanced placement and honor classes.

“I think it’s important to get involved and really make something out of your high school career. It’s important for people to expand their scope of interests and try new things that they never thought they would do,” said Liam.

On top of all of this, he also scored an impressive 1510 on his SAT on his first try. The future definitely looks promising for Liam with all of the accomplishments he has so early on.