What’s recently happened?
The Class of 2024’s Senior Banquet took place on April 19 at the Halls of St. George in Schererville. The hall was decorated with lights and balloons as well as a photo booth for students to take pictures and make memories.
Appetizers were offered to students as well. There was a French fry bar, taco bar, fresh fruit and soft drinks.

Staff and administrators of Lake Central High School (LCHS) chaperoned the event with exciting costumes.
This banquet was a wonderful way to honor the seniors and allow them to have one more party together as a class before prom and graduation. Some students dressed in group costumes, while others wore an individual or duo costume.
There were several superlative awards handed out to students including Worst Driver, Worst Case of Senioritis, and Most Likely to be President.
One of the group costumes included Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Mia Sarcinella, one of the students dressed up as a dwarf, had a great time at the banquet.
“One of my favorite parts of the Senior Banquet was seeing all my friends win awards,” Sarcinella said.
What’s coming up?
The end of this school year is right around the corner. Students are preparing for finals and cleaning out their folders. Chromebooks are being returned and classrooms are being cleared out.

Most importantly, this year’s graduation ceremony is closer and closer as each day goes by.
Graduation will be held on Wednesday, May 29 for the Class of 2024. The location is determined closer to the day, depending on the weather forecast. It will either be held in the gym or on the football field.
Seniors have acquired their graduation gear over time, including caps, gowns, cords, hoods and medals.
Senior Kailey Kosina is feeling all of the emotions as she prepares to walk the stage.
“It feels very bittersweet that graduation is so soon. I am excited to see what is to come for me and what my future holds, but it’s hard to say goodbye to all the memories I’ve made over the past four years,” Kosina said.
Staff spotlight:
Guidance counselors are some of the most important people in the school setting. When walking into LCHS every morning, Guidance Department Head Ashley Kline welcomes students with a warm and shining smile.
Kline strives to be an approachable person and counselor for students.
“I want students and people to know that they can come to me with anything on their mind. It is very important for one of my personal qualities to be approachability,” Kline said.

As department head, Kline ensures that all counselors are on track with the current tasks. She also does a lot of event planning as well as being a part of the administration team.
“Every day is different, which is one of the many things I enjoy about my job. There is no day exactly the same as another. An email or a phone call can change a whole day. I check my emails and just do the normal, but specific daily duties are different all the time,” Kline said.
In addition to needing to be flexible to complete whatever task is at hand, Kline makes it her goal to be there for students no matter what.
“When I was younger, I moved around a lot. I was always the new girl at school, and to be honest, I was never a fan of school growing up. I never want somebody to not like school like I did. I thought if I could work in a school and be that person for students, and be a welcoming face when they walk in the building, I could make it an enjoyable experience,” Kline said.
Kline helps students every day. Not only does Kline offer a helping hand to students who need it, she learns from her experience working in her position.
“People are always going through things behind the scenes whether they show it or not. I think we just have to have patience with other people and ourselves because we are all going through a little something. This position teaches you patience and understanding that life is hard but you also have to celebrate the good that happens everyday.”
Student spotlight:
LCHS is filled with impressive students with a wide variety of talents. One impressive student, Senior Jada Parks, has even written and published her own novel.
Parks’ novel is called “In My Dreams,” and she wrote it during her time in quarantine in COVID-19. Not only is she a published author, she is an outstanding student and human.
“I like to put myself in situations where I can challenge and push myself. I take production classes and presentation-based classes because I want to be able to stretch myself in that way,” Parks said.

Parks is heavily involved at LCHS while being in several clubs. She is also president of the National Honor Society. In addition to her involvement, she will be giving a commencement speech at this year’s graduation ceremony.
Not many high schoolers can say that they have a published novel, but Parks advertises it and extends her knowledge to others around her.
“It has been a great conversation starter. It has helped me be able to reach new people. I had the chance to talk to middle schoolers about my book, and I have been able to host events where I’ve been able to inspire people,” Parks said.
Parks has goals to major in film and production after high school.
“Down the line, I really want to be a movie director and producer. In my future, I want to open a production studio to offer opportunities to younger students. Growing up, I didn’t have many opportunities in film because I did not know anyone in it. I want to offer scholarships, and bring kids out to film for the company when they’re young,” Parks said.
Parks has been incredibly successful so far in her life and dreams of continuing this pattern. Her determination is unmatched.
“Go for what you want. Don’t put yourself back because everyone else isn’t doing it. If you’re scared, just try. The worst thing you can do is not go after what you want. Be true to yourself always,” Parks said.