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#1StudentNWI: Lake Central Beats the Stress of Finals Week

#1StudentNWI: Lake Central Beats the Stress of Finals Week

What's Going On?

December has been a busy time at Lake Central. With the holiday season in full swing and the end of the semester approaching faster than most would like, December is a month of stress and smiles. The first two weeks have been spent finishing up units and taking tests. The third week has been spent reviewing and preparing for the last week of school, which is when finals will be taking place.

School has not only been the only thing that students have been stressing out about. The holiday season comes with added stress, which is something Melissa Rettig, Director of Guidance at Lake Central, explored in an article that was recently featured in the Lake Central News.

The Lake Central Administration held an informational meeting on Wednesday December 13. The meeting was attended by about 50 parents from throughout the corporation who were interested in information regarding school funding and a possible referendum. Though not many details were given in regards to the possibility of a referendum, the school did show how Lake Central and the rest of public education receives its money from the state. In attendance was the entire school board and almost every principal from the corporation.

The money would go toward the classrooms and teacher pay, but the school was unable to go into further detail. After the meeting parents were invited to go the cafeteria and meet with an administrator from every school and raise their concerns. The school board plans to continue their talks about a referendum in January of 2018.

Lake Central held their de-stress fest again on Dec 14 and 15. During lunch, students were able to make stress balls or color in the library. Outside the library there were sticky notes with words of encouragement for students who were studying for their finals. The guidance office was also able to have therapy dogs come in and cheer students up in time for their finals. Finals take place between December 18 through December 21, good luck Lake Central!

Student Spotlight:

1student-LC-Dec-2017-02Tyler Forajter is not your everyday Senior. Infact, Forajter is not your typical high school teen. Forajter, who is on his final year at Lake Central, is also a part time staff member. Forajter started off as an intern with the schools technology department. At the end of school year, Forajter was hired to join the schools staff as a summer employee. The job continued into the school year and he is now a part time computer technician of the technology department. Forajter is able to work on any computers, chromebooks, ipads, or TV’s at the school. He can help with wifi issues throughout the entire district as well.

Though Forajter is a staff member, he is still a student and expected to perform like one. He takes classes that he enjoys and technical ones that help him with his job. Forajter hopes to go to college and acquire a job with their technology departments. Forajter believes his work experience through school will help him in the long run.

“I have had two years of job experience with the school corporation. I think I am a little bit more prepared than other students because I am a professional while I am still in school. I think I have been given a very unique opportunity that is actually pretty awesome because I already have the skills other students will have to develop when they get to college,” Forajter said.

Staff Spotlight:

1student-LC-Dec-2017-03Mrs. Lori Brumm is one of Lake Central’s office staffers. Brumm, who has been at Lake Central for 28 years now, is one of most knowledgeable people in the building. Loved by her co-workers and idolized by students, Brumm is one of those people who can bring a smile to anyone's face.

Brumm is responsible for handling all student ID’s at Lake Central. She is one of the main planners for graduation. Brumm is also responsible for ordering the diplomas, caps, and gowns for graduation. Throughout her years, Brumm has found that the most rewarding thing is seeing what becomes of the students after they graduate. What Brumm loves about her job is that everyday is different and that there isn't an opportunity for boredome. It is something she couldn't see her not doing. Brum has some advice for those looking to go into a job in education.

“It is not a job that has a clock with you. If you want a job that starts at a specific time and ends at a specific time then education is not for you. It is passion, it is something that has to come far deeper than just wanting a paycheck."

What's Coming Up:

1student-LC-Dec-2017-01With Lake Central’s incredible size it can be difficult getting information. Here’s what’s coming up in the next month at Lake Central:

  • December 18-21, 2017 Finals Week
    • Monday: Exams 1 and 4
    • Tuesday: Exams 5 and 6
    • Wednesday: Exams 2 and 3
    • Thursday: Exam 6
  • December 18,2017 Walkers in the Field House 6:00p.m. @Lake Central
  • December 20,2017 Walkers in the Field House 6:00p.m. @Lake Central
  • December 22,2017 NO SCHOOL, teacher record day
  • December 25, 2017- January 7, 2018- NO SCHOOL, Holiday break!
  • January 8, 2018 First Day of Second Semester.
  • January 8, 2018 Lake Central Education Foundation meeting, 6:00p.m. @Lake Central
  • January 8, 2018 Walkers in the Field House 6:00p.m. @Lake Central
  • January 10, 2018 Walkers in the Field House 6:00p.m. @Lake Central
  • January 15, 2018, NO SCHOOL, MLK Day
  • January 20, 2018 Science Olympiad Competition @Lake Central (time TBD)
  • January 20,2018 Winter Formal, pictures at Lake Central. Dance @Halls of St. George.
  • January 22, 2018 Walkers in the Field House 6:00p.m. @Lake Central
  • January 22, 2018 School Board Meeting 7:30 @Lake Central
  • January 24, 2018 Walkers in the Field House 6:00p.m. @Lake Central
  • January 26, 2018 Winter Pep Rally
  • January 29,2018 Walkers in the Field House 6:00p.m. @Lake Central
  • January 31, 2018 Walkers in the Field House 6:00p.m. @Lake Central

“I would like to wish all members of school community a peaceful, fun, enjoyable, and safe holiday season. I encourage you all to take a well deserved break, and spend time with friends and family,” said Sean Begley, Principal of Lake Central

Happy Holidays from Lake Central!