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#1StudentNWI: Lacrosse Unwinds and Peps Up

#1StudentNWI: Lacrosse Unwinds and Peps Up

Senior Pictures

The seniors of Lacrosse high school took a day out of their regular studying schedule to take their senior pictures. There had been a lot of discussion beforehand, and they had all decided that they would take them at the beach. When they finally arrived, it was a bit windier than they’d hoped, but they made the most of it.

Students got to bond with each other as well as be photographed for the yearbook. Many of them took joy in playing in the lake and building sandcastles. With some gentle persuasion, they were allowed to travel up to the lighthouse and marvel at the strength of the waves. This small field trip allowed them some relaxation from the heavy stress they experience leading the pack.

After they were done being photographed and exploring the beach, the students boarded the bus once more. They went to Buffalo Wild Wings, where they sat round-table style. These events and the spirit of the day reminded all of them how much of a family they were. Everyone, though some were closer than others, were friends. Everyone was able to laugh and joke with one another and enjoy each other’s company.

The seniors ended the trip by going to a park. The whole purpose of this stop was to talk about their plans for the upcoming senior trip. They discussed how much money they would need, possible locations, and a plan for board approval. They then were allowed to roam around the park with friends. Some took this as an opportunity to travel into the nearby woods and others hung around the small playground. A popular game involved a spinning cup-seat on the playground. Students took turns being spun as fast as possible, and then trying to walk it off, to hilarious results.

The trip was mainly for their senior pictures, but it also served as an excellent opportunity for the senior class to grow even closer as friends.

Getting Pumped with the Lacrosse and Westville Bands

1Student-Lacrosse-oct-2017-03The Lacrosse band teamed up with Westville’s band to play together. The two traveled to the Toyota Stadium in Chicago to watch the Chicago Fire vs. Pennsylvania soccer game. The bands then set up outside the entrance into the stadium and played a few pep tunes. Since both bands are small, and Lacrosse is very bass-heavy while Westville has the most of the melodies, they fused together nicely. The rich sound that the band produced was very pleasing.

After the mini concert was wrapped up, students took their instruments back to the bus. They were allowed to go inside and watch the game too. It was a very lively environment, with huge blocks set out for a pep squad and the latino fans. Everyone in the stadium was very energetic when their team would close in for a goal, and with every goal the crowds went wild. Chicago Fire ended up winning the game with a nail-biting finish of 3-2 in the last 10 minutes.

It was through the collaboration of the Westville band director, Ms. Sharpe, and Lacrosse’s band director, Mr. Blakeman, that this was possible. Many of the students are looking forward to another trip like this, and collaborating with another school again.

However, if they had a choice, Ashley Vernon, a tuba player, said, “maybe when it’s warmer.”

The bands did play outside and it was nearing fall weather, which made playing instruments was tough. Cooler weather complicates the ability to bend fingers, which is necessary for pressing buttons and strumming on instruments. The students were diligent and powered through it, ultimately ending with an unforgettable memory because of this.

Staff Spotlight: Mrs. Bucher

1Student-Lacrosse-oct-2017-04Although Mrs. Bucher is not a teacher, she still helps around the school a great deal. She has been working at Lacrosse for the past six years. She usually deals with transportation management, which includes creating bus routes and hiring drivers.

She also sits in on the study hall class to monitor students as they complete homework. In terms of the classroom, she is one of the sponsors for the senior class this year too. That means that she is responsible for managing and collecting the money for their senior trip through fundraising.

She wants the students of Lacrosse to learn from her example: that hard work pays off. She is constantly busy, but still tries to take time to listen to the students.

Student Spotlight: Travis Roberts

Travis Roberts is a junior at Lacrosse. He is a diligent and hardworking student who doesn’t mind a bit of mischief. His favorite hobbies after school are watching television and hanging out with his band. He has a great sense of humor and enjoys entertaining others.

He is currently taking part in the AK Smith Career Center courses. He is enrolled in Fire Science with hopes to become a paramedic after he graduates. His favorite music is heavy metal, and he enjoys helping others.