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#1StudentNWI: LaCrosse Kicks off 2018

#1StudentNWI: LaCrosse Kicks off 2018

What's Happened:

There’s always this interim period between the end of November and Christmas Day where the only thought running through everyone’s mind is, “will we get snow?” The last few Decembers have been a little bit light on it, which probably made it easier for everyone doing last minute shopping or driving, but it ruined the magic. This year, determined to make up for that mishap, Mother Nature came out swinging. Frigid temperatures, ice laid down back roads for miles, and drifts not even the Fast or Furious would dare attempt. Students were let out of school on the twenty-second, just barely a day or two before it really started to get cold. Before that, however, they managed to pack in plenty of things.

1student-Lacross-Jan-2018-03The Book Club had their end of the year Christmas party, where they talked about the book "Ball Don’t Lie." Snacks and refreshments were also provided, giving everyone a little bit of time to let off steam and just have some fun with each other. There was also a white elephant gift exchange, where they all exchanged books. It was very enjoyable to reveal who got which book. One of the girls in the club made cupcakes for everyone, which were quite delicious.

Finals testing was also crammed into the last week of school. Everyone was quieter than usual this week, trying to keep all of the information they needed locked into their minds. Some students got together to run study sessions, others went over old material multiple times, hoping it would be enough to help them pass.

What's Going On:

Lacrosse is holding a t-shirt design contest in conjunction with the Porter County conference. They have to center around the Lacrosse Tigers, as well as the PCC competition. They are allowed to be either drawn traditionally or created digitally. The winner of the contest will have their design featured on a shirt, and all profits will go to benefit the school! It is a fantastic opportunity for the artists of the community to flex their skills.

The sophomore class is also selling t-shirts to raise funds. They come in multiple sizes, featuring four fantastic designs. If you or someone you know is interested, please contact either the school or a student in the sophomore class.

1student-Lacross-Jan-2018-02The Lacrosse Lady Tigers played the Westville Blackhawks on December third. The two teams were neck and neck for the longest time, but it was the Tigers who came out on top. This occasion would mark their first PCC win. They would go on to win numerous other matches, placing them higher in the rankings. The score ended up thirty-one for the Tigers to the Blackhawks’ twenty-eight. The tigers are aiming to advance all the way to the PCC championship this year, and with their showings, its no doubt they can achieve it! They are also optimistic to enter the Round Robin competition.

The mens team, similarly, also played the Blackhawks. The boys basketball team has always had a bit of a rough time, but this game they held their own. Even though they were down the majority of the game, they never gave up. It is in this regard that they have triumphed. The leading scorer was Wes Brust, the leading rebounder was Caleb Frasier, and Nathan Jones led in assists. Although the game was hard-fought, they lost to the Blackhawks, fourty-seven to sixty-six.

Student Spotlight:

1student-Lacross-Jan-2018-04Wes Brust is currently a senior. He is a hardworking individual who has been involved with the boys basketball team for his entire high school career. Brust is a strong team-player and very friendly with everyone, both inside the classroom and on the court. He is very faithful to his friends, and able to group people together with ease. He currently works at the Guse Tree farms.

Although Brust does not have a concrete vision for his future, because nothing is permanent, he says he will probably stay to take care of his family’s farm. He’s been farming for his entire life, and doing it almost comes naturally to him. When he’s not hanging out with his friends, on the farm, or on the court, he likes to hang out with his girlfriend or shoot hoops.

Teacher Spotlight:

Ms. Reimbold is a new addition to the Lacrosse family. Her primary job is teaching seventh grade English at Wanatah, but she has been brought to Lacrosse for half days to teach British Literature. She is very adept at bringing the stories in textbooks to life, with interactive assignments and engaging test materials. She also coaches the girls volleyball team when she is not in the classroom. She hopes that students will be able to take a better understanding of the material away from her teaching, and hopefully encourage them to want to read in their daily lives. She is a very fun teacher, but knows how to keep the class under control.