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#1StudentNWI: Inspiring Students and Teachers at Hobart High School

#1StudentNWI: Inspiring Students and Teachers at Hobart High School

Manny Scott Presentation
On Monday, November 30th, Hobart High School was lucky enough to have an inspiring individual come to speak to students and staff members. This individual’s name is Manny Scott. He is an original Freedom Writer and his story is told in the movie itself, Freedom Writers. Throughout his life, he went through horrifying events, and the fact that he was standing in front of us on that day was incredible.

The goal of his presentations is to connect with and energize his audiences. His audiences range from very young children to older adults. His goal was to also get across to students that no one is ever alone. Scott described his life to us and how he wanted to give up- he wanted the pain to end.

He also asked if the students were willing to play a “game”. This game required us to stand up if what he was saying applies to any one of us. In the beginning, Scott asked humorous questions; everyone was laughing. The last part of the questions changed, though. They were serious and personal questions. This game allowed for us to be able to look around and see what the people that surround us on a daily basis are going through.

The shock was evident when friends saw what some of their closest friends were dealing with and how they were feeling. All in all, this presentation brought together the students and the staff. We were blessed to have Mr. Manuel Scott come and talk to us. Many students needed to hear what he had to say, and many lives were touched that morning.

Breakfast with Santa!
On December 5th, Hobart’s junior class hosted an event at the High School to raise money for Prom this year. The event was breakfast with Santa, and the turnout was great! They ended up selling 162 tickets. There were two different time blocks where people could come for some breakfast: 8:30-10:00 and 10:30- 12:00. This allowed for people to have an option and be able to fit in the event for their weekend schedules.

Santa was there to listen to what kids wanted for Christmas, and Wolfgang, Hobart’s group of talented singers, performed Christmas carols. Many students showed up to help out for the event, and some of them were not even from the junior class.

The junior class sponsor, Mrs. Britney Krieg, said, “We had a lot of fun serving the families from the elementary schools and the community! Wolfgang sang and we had Santa and everybody loved them!”. Nonetheless, breakfast with Santa was indeed a success!

Student Shoutout: Elijah Mercado
This year Elijah Mercado, a senior student-athlete, has been breaking records! Not only did he have an excellent football season this fall, but he is now doing amazing things on the diving team. Shockingly, Mercado only began diving last year. He scored 284 at his Lowell swim meet becoming the fourth best diver of all time at Hobart High School!

A few days later, Mercado, once again, broke his own personal best score at his swim meet at Knox becoming the third best diver at Hobart. There is still so much more of the season left in front of him, and no one is doubting that he will be doing great things. He is also the captain of the team, and he is a leader not only for his teammates but for his friends and classmates as well. We hope that he continues to grow and improve, and continue to have such a successful season!

Teacher Spotlight: Mrs. Cathy Fugate
For the month of December Mrs. Cathy Fugate was nominated by the other teachers and staff to be Hobart High School’s Stellar Staff member! She is recognized for her positive attitude literally every day. She is the secretary of the Guidance Office. Every time a student comes into guidance for any reason, especially seniors who are applying for scholarships and colleges, she welcomes them with a smile and a, “What can I do for you, honey!?”.

Mrs. Fugate is constantly more than happy to help others, and she also inspires everyone to always have a smile and be optimistic at all times! Hobart students and faculty could not be more thankful for her!