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#1StudentNWI: Happy Homecoming at Lowell

#1StudentNWI: Happy Homecoming at Lowell

Staff Spotlight:

One of the things that Lowell High School is best known for is its football program. This is because of years of hardwork and success consistently generated by the team. Over the past nine years, the team has been led by Coach Keith Kilmer. Coach Kilmer has been both teaching and coaching for 24 years.

Coach Kilmer is driven to continue coaching due to the effect he is able to have on a group of young men.

“It is an opportunity to teach young men that their actions, effort, and attitude not only affects them, but has a direct impact on their teammates. Football isn't life, but football certainly mirrors it. When you can get a group of teenage boys to understand this, great things are bound to happen both on the field and later on in their life,” Kilmer explained.

This year’s team has high expectations after appearing in state the previous season. After graduating a talented senior class, the team has had a lot of players stepping up into key roles. Kilmer believes that the biggest strength of this season’s team is, “They have proven to be resilient in the face of adversity, overcoming the hurdles placed in front of them.” This is evident to be true as the team is currently 6-1.

Throughout his time spent coaching, Coach Kilmer has received plenty of accolades. He has been named the 2017 Times Coach of the Year, has guided a team to the state championship, and won four consecutive sectional championships. Despite all of these, he says his biggest accomplishment as a coach is “Knowing that I have played a small part in helping hundreds of young men become productive adults, positive citizens and good fathers.” This speaks to his character, and reveals his values as a football coach.

Regardless of the team’s final record or postseason performance, Kilmer hopes that at the end of the year they don't have any regrets. It’s most important to him that they’ve done everything in their power to reach their fullest potential.

Student Spotlight: Ben Santos

Senior Ben Santos has always been interested in taking pictures for a paycheck, but it seemed too far fetched so it was always an afterthought. Now, he’s made his dream a reality as he’s now part of a media group called ‘Under The Tracks.’

His experience with cameras dates back to when he was about five or six, when he found a cheap point and shoot camera that his parents had. The camera didn’t actually work, but he enjoyed pointing it around and pretending he was documenting the world around him. The event that really sparked his passion is actually what he defines as one of the worst experiences in his life. When his grandmother passed away he was given her Canon AE-1, a 35mm camera that came out in the 70s, that gave him the chance to cultivate some skills. Ever since, he’s found himself intrigued by photography.

His skills have drastically improved since then, which allows him to be cofounder of the group ‘Under the Tracks.’ They take photographs on digital or film, record video, and provide editing services. It began with working on prom pictures, and has progressed into more professional jobs such as working at a NIPSCO/NISource conference in downtown Chicago.

Ben’s favorite part of photography is taking portraits. Upon first glance, taking someone’s picture seems so simple. Of course there’s the basics of framing and lighting, but Ben finds there’s deeper complexities.

“You have to be able to capture them as a person through a visual. You have to convey to the audience their personality and story through a photograph and that's why I love portraits the most,” Ben explained.

In his future, he plans on getting into journalism, where storytelling and photography meet.

“If I can be able to experience and capture an event and be able to release that to the public I'll be happy.”

As of right now, ‘Under the Tracks’ has some senior pictures scheduled and they’re always open to booking more. Feel free to walk up to them and or DM their instagram @utt.filmphoto.

What’s going on:

Lowell had its Homecoming festivities on September 28th and 29th. The weekend was kicked off that Friday with a pep rally honoring fall sports and getting the school excited for the upcoming football game. All the grades battled for the spirit stick with the senior class winning.

At the game that night, the football team defeated Munster 22-12. The homecoming court was announced during halftime, as they walked across the field in their formal attire. Seniors Michael Langen and Sarah Richardson won Homecoming King and Queen.

The homecoming dance was the following night, where many students danced the night away with their friends!

The Girl’s Golf team continued their success, ending the season with a 10-2 record. Additionally, they won sectionals for the first time since 2001.

Both Girl’s and Boy’s Cross Country continued their reign of dominance over the Northwest Crossroads Conference. This was the 3rd straight year girls have won the conference meet. It’s especially impressive because all seven varsity winners got an all-conference mention. This is the 4th straight conference win for boys, with the team being lead by junior Gabe Sanchez.

What’s Coming Up:

The end of the first grading period is on October 12th, with report cards being sent out on the 19th.

Parent teacher conferences will be held on October 23th and 25th.

October 30th will be the fifth annual Track or Treat event. Anyone in the community is invited to come play games and win candy. There will also be a haunted hallway, DJ, and a dunk tank.

On Halloween, the Red Devil Network is producing a special “Friday Show.” It will be a Scooby Doo themed Halloween special, with some of the highest production quality yet!

Fall break begins on November 1st and extends through the 4th.