#1StudentNWI: Crown Point High School holds annual Prom

#1StudentNWI: Crown Point High School holds annual Prom

What’s recently happened?

Amidst the excitement and anticipation that had been building for weeks, Crown Point High School's Prom Night finally arrived, much to the delight of students and staff alike. The air was filled with a palpable sense of excitement as students donned their finest attire and prepared for an evening of elegance and celebration.

The camaraderie and sense of unity among students was apparent as they laughed, danced, and shared stories late into the night. Prom served as a reminder of the strong bonds that had been formed throughout high school years, bonds that would continue to endure long after the final dance had ended.

As the evening drew to a close and students began to depart, there was a sense of contentment and fulfillment in the air. Prom at Crown Point High School was a resounding success, leaving students with hearts full of joy and memories that would be cherished for years to come.

What’s coming up?

As the school year draws to a close, Crown Point High School eagerly anticipates its upcoming graduation ceremony, a momentous occasion that marks the culmination of years of hard work, perseverance, and achievement for the graduating Class of 2024.

Family and friends will gather together to celebrate the accomplishments of the graduating class, cheering them on as they take their final steps as high school students and embark on the journey ahead. The air will be filled with a sense of pride, joy, and optimism as students reflect on their time at Crown Point High School and look forward to the future with excitement and anticipation.

For the faculty and staff of Crown Point High School, graduation day is a bittersweet moment as they bid farewell to the students they have watched grow and thrive over the years. As they look out at the sea of proud faces in the audience, they feel a sense of pride and accomplishment knowing that they have played a role in shaping the lives of the next generation.

As the sun sets on another school year, Crown Point High School stands poised to send forth a new generation of leaders, thinkers, and changemakers into the world. The future is bright for the graduating Class of 2024, and as they take their final steps across the stage, they do so with confidence, determination, and the knowledge that the best is yet to come.

Staff spotlight:

Crown Point High School proudly announced that Mary Lux was nominated for the prestigious Teacher of the Year award. With her unwavering dedication, innovative teaching methods, and passion for education, Lux has not only impacted the lives of her students but also left an indelible mark on the school community.

“I’ve known since I was a little girl that I wanted to be a teacher. I had a history teacher in high school who really resonated with me and made me love the subject,” Lux said.

Beyond her exceptional teaching abilities, Lux is known for her unwavering commitment to her students' success. She goes above and beyond to ensure that each student feels valued, supported, and empowered to reach their full potential. Whether offering extra help during office hours or providing personalized feedback on assignments, she invests herself wholeheartedly in the academic and personal growth of her students.

“The kids make the job worth doing. I have always been a hard worker and I always want to achieve the most I can in what I do. My goal is to not only build stronger connections with all of my students but to continue to develop my skills as a teacher so I can help my students develop their own skills,” Lux said.

Throughout her career, Lux has demonstrated a deep-seated belief in the power of education to transform lives and shape the future. She instills in her students a love of learning, a sense of curiosity, and a critical understanding of the world around them. Through her tireless efforts, she equips her students with the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to navigate the complexities of the modern world.

The recognition of Lux as Teacher of the Year is a testament to her outstanding contributions to the field of education and the profound impact she has had on the lives of countless students. Her passion, dedication and unwavering commitment to excellence serve as an inspiration to educators everywhere, reminding us all of the transformative power of great teaching. Crown Point High School is privileged to have Lux as a member of its faculty, and her legacy will continue to inspire generations of students for years to come.

Student spotlight:

Crown Point High School Sophomore Samyuktha Swaminathan is making waves in the school community with her involvement in HUM Group, a student-led initiative aimed at fostering cultural connection and understanding among South Asian youth.

“I wanted to join to help other South Asian kids and myself connect with my culture since in modern-day environments it’s so easy to get distanced from your cultural background,” Swaminathan said.

Founded by a group of passionate students, including Swaminathan, HUM Group serves as a platform for students to explore and celebrate their South Asian heritage through a variety of educational and cultural activities. From language lessons and traditional dance performances to discussions on current events and cultural traditions, HUM Group offers a diverse range of programming designed to engage and empower its members.

“We volunteer at many different events, whether that be a South Asian event, such as Diwali, India Fest, Holi, or just any event in general, such as ASHA, a suicide prevention group,” Swaminathan said.

For Swaminathan, being a part of HUM Group has been a deeply rewarding experience, allowing her to not only connect with her own cultural roots but also to share her knowledge and experiences with her peers. As a second-generation South Asian American, Swaminathan understands the importance of preserving and celebrating her cultural identity in an increasingly diverse and interconnected world.

“We plan to continue to spread our beautiful culture and make sure South Asian kids living in America stay connected with their culture as well,” Swaminathan said.

As Swaminathan continues her journey with HUM Group, she remains dedicated to its mission of promoting cultural connection and understanding among South Asian youth. Through her leadership and passion, she is helping to create a more inclusive and culturally rich school community where all students feel valued and empowered to celebrate their unique identities. Swaminathan is not only a shining example of leadership and cultural pride but also a catalyst for positive change within her school and beyond.