What’s recently happened?
Chesterton High School’s (CHS) Family Theatre celebrated its 25th anniversary last month with a production of “Puss ‘n Boots: A Tale of Tail.”
The show takes the audience on a daring adventure narrated by three cats. The story begins with Princess Philomena’s pet cat, Fluffkin, who was left to her by her late mother. When Princess Philomena’s nurse kicks Fluffkin out, the beloved cat goes to live with a family at a mill. One son in the family saves Fluffkin when she falls in the water, and then, taking the boy’s hat and boots, is transformed into the famous Puss in Boots.

“I had the most incredible experience in the Family Theatre Play. My role as Puss in Boots really allowed me to be confident and sassy and express so much of my energy that I keep under wraps throughout the day. It was so much fun,” Senior Amelia Roser said.
The leading actors in “Puss ‘n Boots: A Tale of a Tail” include Ava Johnson as Princess Philomena, Roser as Fluffkin/Puss, Giacomo Depasquale as Jacob, and Logan Arthur as Snot.
“It was a memorable experience, and the third graders loved the matinee the students put on for them,” Director Becky Uehling said.
The cast of “Puss ‘n Boots: A Tale of a Tail” brought a whimsical energy to the show.

“I had such a great time in this play; it was so fun playing a villain for the first time and being silly on stage and making everyone laugh. Everyone in the cast was so amazing. I loved every minute of it. The play is such a fun experience – everyone should try it at least once because you’ll never know what to expect. You don’t have to be an actor to be a part of it, and I encourage everyone to do it,” Arthur said.
The sets were simplistic but helped draw out the fantastic elements of the plotline. In several scenes, a throne is used for King Ferdinand. On the throne’s platform was a photo of Princess Philomena’s mother, sitting straight, and the overall look of the set piece was unsullied. Yet, when there were scene changes with Snot, the set piece was turned around, showing the audience a throne cluttered with cobwebs, as well as the photo being altered and tilted. The difference in the thrones aided in the representation of the characters’ juxtaposition. Similarly, Roser animated her character, sprinkling spunk and humor into her role. The narrator cats Whiskers (Gwendolyn Lester), Tuffy (Phoenix Bridegroom), and Tigger (Destiny Williams-Najzer) sat on the sides of the stage, playing with balls of yarn throughout the play.
Each year the Family Theatre Production is a performance that provides deep connections and camaraderie within the community not only at CHS but also locally. Third graders eagerly await the matinee, and the high school students work tirelessly to create a show that everyone can enjoy.
What’s coming up?
Spring break is right around the corner for CHS students. School will not be in session from March 25 to 29, allowing students and staff to take a week off from academic duties. Classes will recommence on April 1.
Some students have exciting opportunities ahead of them over spring break, such as speech giving in a foreign language.
“The Japanese speech is for a contest that Japanese 5 students apply for, and I was selected to be one of the contestants. Over break, I’m going to be practicing for my Japanese speech in Chicago, reading, and sleeping a lot,” Senior Nicole Shinkle said.
While some students are staying within the Region, others are traveling out of state.
“I’m going to visit a family friend in Maryland and then visit Washington D.C. to see the cherry blossoms because they are blooming. I am also turning 18 and will have a birthday dinner,” Senior Ashley Drury said.
No matter what their plans may be for spring break, students are encouraged to take advantage of it and enjoy the company of others.
Staff spotlight:
Ian MacLaverty has taught at CHS for 10 years. Before teaching at CHS, he worked as the director of the College and Career Center located in the counseling office. He also taught Computers for one year at Chesterton Middle School.
MacLaverty teaches various classes that instruct students on the world of business, technology, and finance. He currently teaches Digital Applications and Responsibilities, Personal Finance, Entrepreneurship, and Preparing for College and Careers.
Although he is not in charge of any extracurricular activities, he plans on working closely with a developing project headed by the Business Department. This project is referred to as the CHS School Store and will be a place where students can grow in their understanding and abilities of marketing, finance, and career skills.

MacLaverty earned his undergraduate degrees in business and organizational leadership from Purdue University and also earned his graduate degree in teaching from Calumet College of Saint Joseph.
“I wanted to become a teacher because I have always been a big proponent of education at all levels. Several of my family members and close friends were also teachers or worked in education. Becoming a teacher seemed to be a very natural career pathway,” MacLaverty said.
Outside of the classroom, MacLaverty enjoys being around loved ones, is an ardent music fan, and proudly supports Chicago sports.
“When I am not teaching, I love spending time with my wife, family, and friends. I enjoy reading, cooking, playing and collecting guitars, listening to and making music, going to concerts, watching movies, and traveling. I am also an avid Chicago sports fan - Bears, Blackhawks, Bulls, and White Sox,” MacLaverty said.
Student spotlight:
Senior Ashley Drury is an individual who is well-rounded in the artistic world. Not only has she played piano and sang since she was in the second grade, but she also will be eligible for an art certificate by the end of the school year due to her taking eight art classes during her time at CHS.
She has an art Instagram account – @ashleylovesyou.xoxo – where she posts reels of her watercolor paintings and jewelry.
“My goal is to grow my skills in art, so I’m making fun content to post. Of course I have some follower goals, which right now is to reach 100 followers, but for the most part it’s to grow my skills and make fun little videos,” Drury said.
When she’s not working on her latest painting, Drury works as an intern at a local insurance company. At her internship, she logs data entries, enters mail, and is currently digitizing the company’s files.
“My coworkers are really nice and helpful. It’s a very fun and nice work environment. My boss is also an artist, so she loves to see my art progress,” Drury said.
Besides creating art, she practices her skills in various languages. Drury has a goal of becoming a polyglot, which is a person who speaks several languages. She hopes to learn Thai, Russian, Arabic, Spanish, Ancient Greek, as well as continuing learning German and Italian.

“My motivation behind learning Italian is that I have a goal to know a lot of languages, and I want to learn Latin in college. In order to make Latin easier, I want to learn a daughter language, and Italian is one,” Drury said.
After high school, Drury plans to study marketing at Purdue University Northwest.
“I’m planning on pursuing marketing because I really enjoy being creative, and I feel like a job in marketing would allow me to have creative freedom but not be bored at a desk job. It’s collaborative, and I could work for my interests, like beauty marketing,” Drury said.
With the school year nearing its end, Drury has reflected on her time at CHS and reflects on her accomplishments.
“My top three achievements in high school have been running a mile without stopping, auditioning for the Duneland Exchange Club Talent show, and doing art in high school because I have developed my style and skills,” Drury said.