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#1StudentNWI – Bishop Noll Institute’s Zombie Prom and Winter Formal recap

#1StudentNWI – Bishop Noll Institute’s Zombie Prom and Winter Formal recap

What’s happened? Bishop Noll’s winter formal took place February 9. The event was sponsored by the student council, and the theme was masquerade ball, which was accurately represented by the intricate masks all throughout the cafeteria. The event DJ was BNI alum, Dj Drip. Music ranged from “SICKO MODE” by Travis Scott, to “Wobble” by V.I.C., and finally “Taki Taki” by DJ Snake featuring Selena Gomez, Ozuna, and Cardi B. Everyone enjoyed the music and the dance floor was full the entire night. Sophomore Carmelina Komyatte said, “It was decorated really pretty and there was good music. I had a lot of fun dancing and hanging out with my friends.” The BNI Student Council did not disappoint at this year’s winter formal.

Student spotlight Sophomore Alejandra Castellanos always knew she wanted to be a labor and delivery nurse, but now that she has been introduced to BNI’s STEM and Engineering program, her eyes have been opened to new opportunities. Right now, she is taking Intro to Engineering to get a background in the profession. The next two years she plans to take more advanced engineering classes. Now in her sophomore year at Noll, she has accomplished many things. Castellanos in on the basketball and softball teams. Her freshman year she also played volleyball. This year she joined the yearbook committee, student ambassadors, student council, intercessory prayer group, and the RICHER program. The RICHER program goes to nearby Catholic grade schools and teaches students about Respect, Integrity, Caring, Harmony, Excellence, and Responsibly. On top of all her extracurriculars, she is an honors student. “I came to BNI because I loved the family atmosphere. Coming from a small Catholic grade school, I was able to excel and get to know everyone around me,” Castellanos said. “When I was younger, my school would come to Bishop Noll for an all school Mass or other visits. I saw that Bishop Noll had that family atmosphere I wanted to be in.” The BNI community is fortunate to have Castellanos as a Warrior, and will continue to support her at Noll.

Teacher spotlight Mrs. Katie Fredericksen has been a teacher for nine years, and it seems like she’s been at Noll for all of them, considering all the things she does for the school. In reality, it’s only her second year at Noll. Fredericksen is the freshmen theology teacher. Before coming to Noll, she taught social studies and math. Fredericksen is the leader of the intercessory prayer group, on the technology committee, and helps with the BNI Student Council. She started the BNI intercessory prayer group because she wanted students to have a sense of solidarity and awareness for everyone who is going through something challenging. “When we actually locked hands around the cross and prayed for all of the intentions, it was powerful for the group as well,” Fredericksen said. For student council, she is in charge of hall decorating for homecoming week, winter formal, and the Cookies and Karaoke event. She also runs the student council social media platform and helps with anything else, such as fundraisers. When asked about her favorite part of teaching at Noll she said, “I love what I teach. Helping students to get closer to a relationship with Christ and a better sense of their purpose through Him is an awesome experience! I am blessed to have that as my career.” Bishop Noll is blessed to have Fredericksen as a part of their community.

What’s coming up? The Bishop Noll Drama Department is proud to present this year’s spring musical, Zombie Prom. The performances will take place April 12 and 13 at 7:30 p.m., and April 14 at 2:30 p.m. Tickets are $5 for students and senior citizens, and $8 for adults. All performances are in the BNI auditorium. Zombie Prom has several similarities to the hit musical, Grease. Instead of it being Sandy and Danny, it’s Toffee and Jonny who want to be together, but can’t due to family pressure. Zombie Prom has exciting 50s music and energetic scenes. The cast and crew are made up of several talented BNI students from all grade levels. The pit band will also be made up of students from the BNI band. The musical is being directed by first year teacher, Ms. Kayla Jones and it is sure to be another successful musical at BNI. The BNI community is proud of all the hard-working students, whether they are on stage or behind the scenes, and everyone is excited to see Zombie Prom.