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$100 Bill Gets a New Look

Know Its Features. Know It’s Real.

horizon-bank-logoIn order to keep counterfeiting low, the U.S. government continues to enhance the security of its currency. This October a new $100 bill begins circulating. It will be more colorful — and more secure. It only takes a few seconds to check the new $100 note and know it’s real.

1) 3-D Security Ribbon: Tilt the note back and forth while focusing on the blue ribbon. You will see the bells change to 100s as they move. The ribbon is woven into the paper, not print on it.

2) Bell in the Inkwell: Tilt the note to see the color-shifting bell in the copper inkwell change from copper to green.

What should I do if I suspect a counterfeit note?

If you receive a note that you suspect may be a counterfeitor if you question a note that is already in your possession, turn it over to local police. If the note is genuine it will be returned as soon as possible. If the note is counterfeit, you will not be reimbursed. It is against the law to knowingly pass a counterfeit note.

Where can I learn more about U.S. currency changes?

Go to our Web site, www.newmoney.gov, which includes additional information in multiple languages.