Home»Community»Family»Winnie Wukich Named Duneland Senior of March 2015

Winnie Wukich Named Duneland Senior of March 2015

Winnie_Wukich_Named_Duneland_Senior_of_t-1The Duneland Family YMCA Senior Center is pleased to announce Winnie Wuckich as their Senior of the Month. At the Y Senior Center, active older adults connect with friends, pursue healthier lifestyles in Y Silver Sneakers and Building Fit Friends classes and enjoy interesting programs, field trips and a wide variety of engaging group activities.

Winnie was born in the small town of Montpelier, Ohio. Her father died when she was only two, and shortly afterwards, her family moved to Fort Wayne. She later moved to Gary and graduated from Edison High School in 1957.

She met her husband Dan soon after graduation, and they married in 1960. They have two daughters and four grandchildren. Daughter Niki lives in Porter and Donna in Bristol, England, whom they have visited several times.

Winnie went on to get a teaching degree from IUNW, taking classes part time for twelve years as she raised her children. But through her perseverance she began teaching at age 31. She taught first grade and kindergarten for 25 years in the Gary school system, retiring at age 58 to help care for her first grandchild.

Winnie stays busy now by exercising and being involved at the Y Senior Center, and caring for her pets, her home and other people. She provides many of the snacks and game prizes for Senior Center activities. "Winnie is a kind and generous person. She's a lady "on the go", says Senior Center Coordinator, Nancy Zlamal. "We're fortunate to have her in our lives!

The Y Senior Center is open to the community weekly on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 10:15 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. For more information about upcoming Senior events, contact Nancy Zlamal at 219-926-4204 or visit us online at www.dunelandymca.org.

At the Y, we help the community build social networks and activities to bring people together through positive, fun activities that encourage appreciation for active living for all age groups.

The YMCA is the nation's leading nonprofit focusing on youth development, healthy living and social responsibility, and is a United Way of Porter County Partner Agency.