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Top 10 NWIndianaLife Videos of 2014

VideoArticleImageNWIL2014 was a great year for NWIndianaLife.com! We revamped our studio and featured a load of great guests coming into the office for interviews to join the other videos we produced at various events throughout the year.

Look back at some of the best interviews, profiles, and videos we've produced over the 2014 calendar year. Take a seat, grab some popcorn, and enjoy!

Congratulations Graduates of 2014

In this special dedication to Northwest Indiana's Class of 2014 we talk about what a graduation means not only for the students, but for everyone involved in this milestone event.

The NWI Mayors Ideas Exchange

We recently hosted four different Mayors from around the region to talk about what they can to do improve their areas, working with current taxes, and how they can work together to get good things done.

Fallen Gary Police Officer Remembered at Funeral Service

Our very own Tim Moran was on the scene to tell us about the memorial service for fallen Gary Police Officer Jeffery Westerfield.

The Good News Driver on LIFERS

In this latest installment with Ideas in Motion Media CEO Chris Mahlmann, he talks about the company's LIFERs - the hard working and dedicated team that delivers good news every day. This team of LIFERs truly personifies "crazy" but as Mahlmann is clearly passionate about his team, the team are equally as passionate about their jobs.

Working Together in Politics with Congressman Pete Visclosky

Congressman Pete Visclosky tells us why it's vital to work together, not only as a community, but within politics in order to induce change in our area.

MuddyLifers' Journey Through the 2014 Mudathlon

Our very own Lifers decided to get down and dirty during the 2014 Mudathlon at Graeber Family Farms in Valpo. Tim Moran, Liz Powers, Caitlin Vanlaningham, Jenny Craig and Sandra Schaffer tell us what they thought about the event. We also highlight the race which asks its runners to run 3 miles, go through 40 obstacle courses and, of course, get covered in mud.

Bringing Businesses To Northwest Indiana

Bringing new businesses to the area is a complicated task. From providing an area, to encouraging certain companies to made a new home within our three counties, on every level there is a different task. Three economic development experts explain that what the public doesn't get to see and why this specific branch of development is important to the growth of NWI.

What Are You Thankful For?

Some friends and family of the LIFE Networks share what they're thankful for this holiday season. Share with us in the comments - what are you thankful for?

President of Calumet College of St. Joseph Dan Lowery

We recently sat down with President of Calumet College of St. Joseph Dan Lowery to talk about what CCSJ has to offer, what they provide to the part-time older college student, and how they prepare all of their students for the real world.

Summer in the City - What is up in Hammond with Mayor Thomas McDermott Jr.

The Mayor of Hammond Tom McDermott Jr. recently sat down to talk to us about the upcoming Festival of the Lakes, what Hammond has to offer during the summer, and Mr. McDermott's favorite activities to do in Hammond.