Home»Other»City of Gary Announces Halloween 2014 Activities

City of Gary Announces Halloween 2014 Activities

Fall-harvest-festival-2014-FinalThe City of Gary will host its Annual Fall Harvest Festival Friday, October 31 at Brunswick Park Pavilion, 700 Clark Road from 4:00p.m. – 6:00p.m. Parents are invited to bring their children ages 2 – 14 to play games, win prizes, learn about dental health, fire safety, recycling, going green, urban gardening and more. Hayrides have been canceled due to the weather forecast. Each child will also receive a treat bag.

Meanwhile, the Gary Police Department will increase their presence in all neighborhoods in the city Friday night to interact with residents while passing out candy to children.

“We have been through a lot as a community, especially this past week,” said Police Chief Larry McKinley. “Our officers will be out on Friday just to reassure residents that we are there to protect them and that children should feel safe as they have some fun trick or treating.”

Trick or treating hours for the City of Gary are from 4:00p.m. – 7:00p.m. For more information about the Fall Harvest Festival, call (219) 881-1300.