Home»Other»Freeman-Wilson to Present Proclamation to One Church, One School Delegacy

Freeman-Wilson to Present Proclamation to One Church, One School Delegacy

city of gary sealMayor Karen Freeman-Wilson, Dr. Cheryl Pruitt, Superintendent of Schools; Dr. Phedonia Johnson, Executive Director of One Church, One School (OCOS); Rev. Jerry Protho, President of OCOS Gary Chapter; Rev. Carrell K. Cargle, Sr., Coordinator for OCOS Gary Chapter

Mayor Freeman-Wilson will join members of the education and faith communities as she presents a proclamation to representatives of the One Church, One School Organization. The group, which has a strong chapter in Gary, will host its 18th Annual Conference later this month where the luncheon speaker will be Rev. Michael Pfleger.

One Church One School brings together churches and schools in partnerships that teach our children to value life and to value learning. This national network of church/school partnerships also acts as a catalyst to build bridges between other community-based organizations, social service agencies, business enterprises and schools.